1. Memories

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A/N: I'll try to update quicker
And make the chapters longer! Please vote and comment. this chapter is a little boring but the next one will have more action and drama.. Please recommend this book to your friends.



"Ugh! Why do I have to go to school?!" I woke up at 6:30 feeling like shít. I smashed my alarm clock, got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, I changed into a blue t-shirt that I tucked into my high waisted black Boyfriend jeans.

As I walked towards my desk to get my backpack and my iPhone 6, I stared at a photo of Ethan and I when we were ten years old. It made me smile a little at the thought of him but that soon faded away when my happy thoughts were over clouded by the nightmare that once came to life.

I took the photo of him and I and put it into a box of haunted memories that need to be forgotten.

I went into the kitchen to see nobody as usual. My parents are always too busy for me and only focus on my brother that's now 13.

I got my car keys and went to Starbucks and got a vanilla bean frappe. Afterwards, I parked my car in front of the school where sluts tried to find guys to make out with. Its really disgusting. By the rate that there lips are moving they might want to get a room.

As I walked into the school, I saw Ethan with the football team and cheerleaders sitting down on the stairway, blocking the path to my locker.

According to everyone, Ethan was the "hottest Guy in school" quote from the cheerleaders. He was the captain of the football team, already has a lot of college scholarships, and has everyone bowing down to him.

All the girls are willing to give themselves to the number 1 player in the school and all the boys just want to be him.

"Excuse me." I said trying to get up the stairs.

When they noticed me, they stopped their conversation and all looked at me.

"Do you need anything" Faith asked looking me up and down.

"You guys are blocking the way to my locker." I said trying to keep calm.

"That's your problem not ours." she said smirking.

As I was about to walk away, Faith, Ethan's girlfriend, got up with her cheerleading uniform on, which exposes her mosquito bites (her boobs) and her butt, went up to him, only to be wrapped up in his arms and groped on her butt.

Faith giggled but I puked mentally at there little interaction.

"Shīt. I'm gonna be late." I mumbled to myself and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and just took the
elevator to avoid trouble. When the door opened I went straight to my locker.

When I got there my bff Jenny, was waiting for me while she was arguing with her parents, in Vietnamese, but at the same time having a ghetto accent, on the phone.

She's blasian.

When she saw me she hung up.

"What's wrong" I asked her.

"My parents found out that I had a 36 in math because of all the missing assignments and zeros I have. So they're coming to the school to talk to Mrs. Grey about all the fucking assignments. Everyone is a bastard these days."

I laughed at Jenny's response and choice of language as I glanced at Ethan and the football team coming our way. I kind of got distracted when those ass cheeks passed by us.

Ethan and I stared at each other for a moment until he broke the intense gaze when he was about to trip over a group of emos. I chuckled at his retarded ass, catching Jenny's attention causing her to shower me with questions.

"Lauren, are you okay? Why were you staring at Ethan? Do you like him? Wh-" Hold on, back the fuck up.

"Did you just ask if I liked him?" I said giving her a look.

"Yeah now answer the questions." She said giving me a knowing look, even though she didn't know anything about our past.

"Ugh Jenny calm down! I used to like him. As in past tense when I was like 10. We have a complicated relationship I guess."

"What do you mean by complicated relationship? Give me details." she said smiling.

"Well..." I dragged her into the bathroom stall and locked the door behind me.

"Come on gurl spill." I started telling Jenny about the past between Me and Ethan including Faith and the details about them already having sex at 14.

I was about break the emotional barriers I built, But held all the raindrops in.

When I was done Jenny had a shocked expression on her face and gave me a hug, which was what I needed right now.

"Oh my fúck, why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Because that was one of the darkest times in my life. I locked it up and put it somewhere far into my mind and promised never to open it up again." I say looking at her waiting for a response.

"You. Me. Herman's park a 7. Be there" Jenny told me as a thousand pounds of weight were suddenly dropped on my shoulders. For some reason I knew what she was going to say but just to make sure I asked her.

"Why" I asked slowly when I saw her already having an evil smirk plastered on her face.

"We're going to get revenge."


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