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Thank you all for having so much patience with me. I feel like I haven't updated in ages as I am struggling with having no motivation to do anything right now. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. – I'm going to try and update as regularly as I can. REMINDER: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE KIND TO YOURSELVES! Remember to eat, drink and show yourselves some love. You are all amazing and deserve so much in life! I am so proud of you all!


Soph X


TW – Sick, Nausea, Vomiting, Anxiety

Trying to write this from some of my own experience (I'm terrified of sick and being sick)

My mom went upstairs to get changed into something comfy then came back downstairs to sit on the sofa and talk with everyone. Edith would not even leave her side to the point of sitting outside of the bathroom waiting for my mom to get out of the shower. She was so cute and she really missed mom. We sat for the night watching movies and eating snacks. Life has never felt more perfect than it feels right now. I was finally happy and I was so glad that everything seemed to be falling back into place after the hell-ish last few months.



Ugh...I must have fell asleep downstairs! I woke up on the sofa and turned over to check my phone, feeling a sudden wave of nausea overcome me. I began to feel really dizzy and sick. I tried to get up from the sofa to go to the bathroom but that was even harder than I thought it would be. My whole body was aching, shaking and trembling so much that I could barely stand. It was only 4am so I needed to be quiet. I couldn't make it up the stairs to the bathroom so I managed to get into the kitchen and perch myself on a bar stool next to the sink. I made myself a drink of water and grabbed two paracetamol to try and make myself feel better. I could only groan and push my head into the sink as I vomited. I hated being ill so much. I am genuinely so scared of being sick and all I wanted was someone to help me.

Cate POV

It was early morning so I decided as none of the other were awake I would get up and go downstairs as I needed water. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see y/n with her head over the sink sleeping. She had been sick and must have eventually fell asleep. She was burning up and looked pale. There were beads of sweat lining her forehead as her eyebrows created a crease in her skin as she was frowning. She had dark circles under her eyes and clearly needed her bed. I cooed to her gently trying to wake her up as she shivered uncontrollably.

Cate – "Hey sweetheart, let's get you up to the bathroom. I'll run you a bath to cool you down, then we can take some medicine and get you to bed. Would that be okay with you?"

Y/n: "Mhm." She groaned. "I don't feel well." Stumbling over her words as tears rolled down her flushed cheeks she tried to stand, almost falling in the process.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs to the bathroom, passing Sandy in the process.

Sandy: "Is she alright? Has something happened? Do you need my help?"

Cate: "She's sick and burning up. I'm going to run her a cold bath, could you sit with her to make sure she doesn't hit her head, she's really dizzy."

Sandy POV

I passed Cate as I was coming downstairs. She was carrying y/n who looked really sick. We took her into the bathroom and I sat with her on the cold tiled floor keeping her from falling whilst Cate ran her a bath. Her body was shaking and her forehead was burning. I held her tight knowing she was terrified of being ill and I could feel how unsteady she was as her head swayed side to side.

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