Chapter 1. Prolog

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No one POV.

Fate :,,You had luck boy, if John here would have found you a few minutes later you would be dead."

Izuku gulped as he heard how close he was to death. Fate looked at the boy before asking.

Fate :,,Could I know how you got this injuries they were far too severe and brutal for simple bullying."

Izuku stayed silent as he was questioned. He couldn't bring himself to say what he's been through since the age of four. Fate watched the boy struggle internally with wanting to tell the truth.

? :,,I can show you if you want."

A man with a light brown trenchcoat and blonde hair walked up to Fate and Izuku, he layed one hand on Izuku's head and held his other out for Fate to grab it. Doctor Fate grabbed the man's hand the hand on Izuku's head began to glow and so did the hand that was holding the hand of the Doctor. A few seconds later the light stoped.

Fate :,,I see well we can't let him go back there especially since I can feel a strong magic coming from him."

Izuku :,,Wait what Magic?"

Constantine :,,Yeah as I brought you here I could feel some strong magic coming from you."

Fate :,,Yeah uncontrolled magic can get very dangerous if left untrained."

Constantine :,,So we will train you, or do you want to go back?"

Izuku :,,No, no I don't want to go back!"

Fate :,,Good now rest youre wounds will heal overnight tomorrow we will see if youre ready to learn magic."

Izuku :,,Yes Sir."

The two magicians left Izuku alone in the room as they walked through the hallways of the Fate tower.

Constantine :,,You are sure the boy is merged with him?"

Fate :,,Yes I could feel his power within him."

Constantine :,,Well this is going to be interesting."

Fate :,,That's for sure."


Meanwhile in Japan:

Izumi Yagi walked home from  school, she was a little worried since she didn't saw her brother today. Katsuki and Katsumi said that he probably is just to scared to come to school, but she knew better she knew that her brother isn't someone who just doesn't come to school because he is scared. She walked into her house and.

Everyone :,,Happy Birthday Izumi!"

 She saw her parents, uncles, aunts and friends standing there throwing confetti while singing happy birthday, she smiled as she was hugged by everyone.

Izumi :,,Thank you all."

Just then the doorbell rang again and Izumi walked back to open the door she saw her uncle Enji aka Endeavor and her aunt Rei standing there.

Enji :,,Looks like we missed the start."

Izumi :,,Uncle Enji auntie Rei it's nice to see you both!"

Rei :,,It's also nice to see you Izumi we........"

??? :,,Excuse me."

The both adults turned around and opened a gap so everyone could see two police officers standing there.

Rei :,,Did something happen?"

Enji :,,Why are you here officer's?"

Policeman 1 :,,I am here to talk to Toshinori and Inko Yagi."

Inko :,,That is us did something happen?"

Toshinori and Inko came out of the house everyone behind them looking what was going on.

Policeman 2 :,,Is there a place were we could talk in private?"

Toshinori :,,There is no need for that they are family."

The police officers looked at each other with sad eyes before they took off their hats and the older one stepped forward.

Policeman 1 :,,Today we were called to the park as someone found a big puddle of blood as we arrived there we took a DNA test and......"

The family began to become anxious.

Policeman 1 :,,It was the blood of Izuku Yagi youre son."

You could hear a needle fall nobody made a sound everyone processing what they were just told.

Toshinori :,,What?"

Inko starting to cry :,,You said you found a puddle of his blood but where is he, where is my baby boy?"

Policeman 2 :,,We didn't found a body near the puddle or footprints it is like as if he vanished."

Rei :,,What do you mean no footprints was he taken by someone if that is the case then you have to find him!?"

Policeman 1 :,,We don't know we just started our investigation's but the amount of blood we found let us suggest that..... I am sorry to say this but we are to 100% sure that youre son didn't survive."

Inko fell to her knees crying Toshinori kneeling down aswell trying to comfort her, everyone was crying or sobbing by now, while Shoya and Katsumi were full on screaming while they were comforted by their family.

Policeman 1 :,,I am very sorry for youre lost, we will do everything we can to atleast find out what happened to him."

After that the police officers walked back to their car and drove off. The Familys went back into the house and mourned the lost of their son, nephew and friend nobody was in the mood anymore to celebrate. Little did they know that Izuku meanwhile had the best time of his life since 6 years.

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