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After World War 3 every country fell apart.  Nuclear bombs ripped the land into shreds, most of the land being uninhabitable. Intense radiation roams most lands causing mental disorders increased and mutations.  Great Britain being the first to come out of the damage created the aberration method.  An absolute government formed being ruled by King Leo.  In this Empire, men are above everyone.  If you are a woman you are treated as rubbish.  If you can’t bear kids you are put to death, if you have a mental disorder you are put to death, if you are not chosen by a male by the time you are 30 you are put to death, and lastly if you do not bear a male child 6 years after marriage, you are put to death and your husband gets a new wife. 

Women are 'useless' to society.  Women are used for one thing; having children. The only thing women can do is go to school.  If a women is too smart they are considered a threat and put to death and if a women is to dumb she is put to death.  The worst rule of them all is if a man attacks you, you cannot fight back.  If it is for sexual purposes, the only thing protecting you is the marriage band on you left hand ring finger.  The only reason why it is a crime to do so while the woman is married is because that is not the attacker's property.  Marriages are not put together from love, but from ability.  Women when they turn 18 take a test based on their beliefs and they are paired up with men.  The better you do on the test, the richer the man you’ll be put with.  Also, the more children a women can bear is another thing that goes into what man the women is put with.  The problem is you have to know how to answer the questions.  If a girl is too bold and daring or to shy and quiet, they are put to death.  Every single women has to be the perfect definition that the government provides

There is a legend people talk about; a place for women and men to be equal, no matter what your faults are.  Faults make us strong. 

My name is Xena Harwood and I'm determined to find out whether or not this place even exists.

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