Short-Term Ideas & Long-Term Dreams

Start from the beginning

I have to think of San who doesn't only have to do one but two auditions; one with us, one with his vocal quintet. It would be so much easier for him to focus on one thing at a time. "I'm in."

I nod at the surprised Hongjoong to emphasize my words. "We should bring it forward."

Yeosang frowns at me when I catch his gaze, but he doesn't say anything. Yunho continues the aggressive typing on his phone, paying no attention to anything else. And Jongho avoids my gaze - which makes me wonder all of a sudden if San told him how we made up and cuddled, or if it's still about that thing where I met Jimin in the corridor yesterday, and he told Jongho to back off.

"We should wait for everyone to make that decision", Hongjoong concludes after a few more moments of tuneless humming. "Where are Mingi and San?"

"Mingi is not coming", Yunho announces, shoving his phone down his sports bag with unnecessary force. "We don't have to wait for him. He wants to spend the night someplace close to the recording studio. They've only got to be there tomorrow at noon though."

"I'm sure he has his reasons", Seonghwa says slowly.

Yunho chuckles humorlessly and mumbles, "I know he has them" under his breath.

Hongjoong clicks his tongue. "He should partake in our decisions though. Can you give him a call, Yunho-yah? Tell him we need him here."

"You tell him." Yunho rummages in his bag, then throws his phone to Hongjoong - who drops it. Seonghwa catches it just in time.

"We've got his number too", he reminds Yunho, accompanied by a stern look that probably says something like, Don't throw your stuff around like that.

Yunho shrugs.

"Okay, but does anyone know where San-", Yeosang starts, but gets interrupted when the door flies open.

"I'm sorry for being late!" San runs a hand through his tousled pink hair, then plops down on the bench next to Yunho. "You didn't start yet?"

"Mingi is missing", Yeosang answers curtly - and San stares at him. "What d'you mean, missing?"

"He didn't wanna come", Yunho mutters, eyes fixed on Hongjoong who's already calling Mingi and has put it on speaker.

I allow myself to let my eyes wander from Yunho to San for a second. Then I quickly avert my gaze back to Hongjoong. Could I...? I don't know what San and I are, where we are right now. Would it be okay if I hugged him? Or if I kissed him? Or... or wouldn't he want that; not now, not in front of our friends?

"Yah, I was about to get laid!" Mingi's loud voice booming from Yunho's phone in Hongjoong's hand makes me flinch. "Is it something impor-"

"Mingi-yah", Hongjoong cuts him short, "Yes, it is important, and way more important than your one night stand."

"Oh." Mingi sounds flustered for a second. "She's not a one night stand", he declares then, "she's my girlfriend!"

"How wonderful", Yeosang interferes from Hongjoong's right side. "We don't care. You two can screw all you want after the auditions in maybe one and a half weeks."

"But one and a half weeks are- Wait. One and a half weeks?"

"Move your ass over here and we might tell you about it."

Mingi is silent for a few seconds. "Alright", he says finally. "I'll be there in thirty."

Hongjoong lifts an eyebrow. "Now."

"I can't get there any faster", Mingi protests. "We're in Jungang-do right now, and I still need to walk to the next train station and get the next train and then get off it and walk to the arts building!"

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