Chapter 2: 1st Generation

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Giotto Vongola di Primo is an influential and powerful, Fame and power. Vongola has become something that becomes a force that needed to be reckoned with. He has amazing friends and amazing guardians even though they are quite a little crazy and has a bunch of quirks but well, what the fault for having an interesting life.

He has an ability of Hyper Instinct that saving him and his famiglia numerous time, he loves this power but sometimes he hates it when it makes him headache like a warning before something bad happen and this time when he woke up, he didn't know what happened except his headache is throbbing like someone stab him numerous time. Giotto manage to hide it from his Guardians but they are stuck with him for how many long so of course they notice it-

"Okay, spill it out. Giotto. We know something is bothering you." G ask straightforward, ah~ his long long old friend, didn't even bother to hide the intention

"Maa~ maa~, Calm down, G. I'm sure Giotto will tell us," Asari smie before looking at Giotto, "Right, Giotto."

Giotto winch when another throb of headache come to him and it didn't miss from the eyes of the Mist Guardian, "Is it your Hyper Instinct again?" Daemon asks

This make them alert since they already know what is those abilities is so they perked up, looking at each other in confusion as Giotto ignored them messaging his temple to prevent the incoming headache.

"did something gonna happen?" G asks in wary

"I don't know. It's like- whatever coming it's not harming us but then I don't know." Giotto shaking his head 

Out a sudden the door got knocked and one of his members famiglia come to him in panting, told him that there was an intruder in the garden, a teenage boy and managed to defeat the guard.

"This is what happens..." Giotto says dryly when the headache in his head become calmer


"Is this how it'll be from now on?"

A Young Teen boy leaned into the tree, trading his head in hissing by the feeling of getting travelled back into the past. The Boy looks like only a teenager but his clothes, he is wearing a white suit; a sky blue kimono jacket that draped in his shoulder like a cloak. He has messy and yet tamed brown hair and dazy dreamy brown eyes that look like he sees something that normal people can't see.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo, is 15 years old and the most respected person in the Mafia World because of his deed changing the Mafia World into the greater good. Tsuna sigh loudly as he look around where he can see the Fae (the glitter of the Aeriel, the Wind Fae that giggling from the tree branch looking down in him in mischievous) lurking around like a worm and yet they didn't dare to come near him, perhaps, because of his spiritual power that un-familiar to him.

He can feel his Vongola Ring, Madara presence in his shadow, his Hafuda, His wands, his glove but to make sure he better wear his glove since he didn't know where he is now. Tsuna traced his earring which it looks like a familiar chain from a certain organization. He walk around until his Instinct prickling which he halted when there bunch of people wearing Mafia Suits and gunpoint at him.

"Who are you? How you enter this private property! Answer or Die!" One of the men growled out with a dangerous glint in his those eyes

Tsuna raised his arm in surending motion and reply in Italian, "If I may ask who's a property I trespassing? I give no harm."

"... Vongola Mansion Garden." He answer before unlocking the safety in the gun with a click, "Now, who are you?! or We would bring you to our boss."

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