Chapter 8: Burden of the World

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Tsuna staring at the Blue Sky in front of him, For some reason, He feels something bad gonna coming and Bermuda is gone to who-know-where (Kuthuchoodu, Kuthuchoodu, the birds sound comes Where the old men feel it as a bad omen in the village. The death is coming, coming, it proclaims). Tsuna let out a sigh before a walk around the Mansion where he found Giotto reading a book with Tea smell from the Cup.

"Tsuna-Kun..." Giotto looks up from his book gestured him to enter, "Come in..."

Tsuna enters the Room in slight hesitance (The Fae creature smirking at him, giggling and flying away as the glitter shine brightly- such a beautiful sight), He sits next to his Ancestor look up at those Sunset Eyes who looks down at him in gentle and kind Eyes, "How your body?"

"I am fine." Tsuna answers before look at the Book in Giotto hand, "What are you doing?"

Giotto lit up when his descendant wants to bond with him, He begins to tell him what he doing and the summary of the Book as Tsuna listen to the word he said (Lift eve'ry voice and sing, Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty). Tsuna admits,his Sky Flame begins to take a liking to Giotto Sky Flame, even though Tsuna hismuch purer than Giotto

(Sound vibration have no relevance in death, The poor bird still sings its song in night Attracting the pair it seeks as companion)

Tsuna absent-mind play with the Chain from the Cuff in his wrist (A Weight of the Cuff and the sound of the Rattling chain echoed faintly), humming in relaxation and ease, "That was an interesting story..."

"You could say that. Say, Tsuna-Kun. Do you mind tell me about yourself?" Giotto tries to know more about the Boy, "I'm curious."

Tsuna hummed, "I don't know what to say, Honestly speaking, I was born in Civilian life. I have a father who is a CEDEF Boss but he is so busy that never go home for about 7 years that I didn't know about him, I am got called 'Crazy-Tsuna'."


"Because I can see something that people can not see." Tsuna answers after a few seconds of silence, "My mother bloodline has an Ability to see Spirit, Youkai and hear the Fae whisper, the fae is like a Divine Being word, The World whisperer. Asari-san might know about Abe Clan from Abe no Seimei and Yes, We are Onmyouji. I am Mage. Perhaps, because of that the people who seem different got shunned away until my Tutor, Hitman come to my house and begin to tutor me to become Vongola Decimo."

"And you accept it?" Giotto questioned after regained his composure, how shocking to heard his descendant is an Onmyoui and yes, of course, he know about the famous Abe-no-Seimei.

"I can't help it, As long as I remember when I was born. I can feel my world is frozen, the time, the wheel of Life in mine is frozen, normally, when a person is born, their Wheel of Life gonna turn but for me, I do not turn until my Tutor come to my House and state that he gonna train me as Vongola Decimo and on that moment, my World who is grey turn into bright and sparkle. My Wheel of Life is turning, that's why I accept it." Tsuna said all of that with a dreamy voice and Sunset Eyes as he look so far, far away (drifting away from the Reality World)

Giotto who saw it seem like for the first time see the truth of the Teenage Boy, not as Decimo but as Sawada Tsunayoshi. A Lonely Child underneath the Cold Mask of the Boss was shunned by the Society even though he had the Guardian around him.

He saw the boy power but that is only 30% of his power and on top of that the boy has his power got sealed in the Container of Vindice Cuff but Giotto want to see his descendant and his Guardian true power.

"Tsuna-Kun, do you want to have a battle with me?" Giotto blurted out

"Honestly speaking, Giotto-san. You will not stand battling with me when I take off these Cuff, even my Tutor needs to have a second thought to battling with me and I pity for your Training Ground." Tsuna said bluntly before looking at his Cuff, "But, It's been a while since I and my Guardian battling with each other, Kyo-san also seem like already in his Limit."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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