chapter 5

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Hiro opened the door to see if Aunt Cass was snooping around. Luckily, she did not. He and Kamakshi brought Baymax inside and whispered, "Okay. If my aunt asks, we were at school all day. Got it?"

"We jumped out a window." Baymax shouted.

"No! Quiet!"

"Be quiet, Baymax." Kamakshi whispered to him.

"We jumped out a window." Baymax whispered.

"You can't say things like that around aunt Cass." Hiro shushed him and went upstairs. Whilst, Kamakshi helped Baymax stand on his feet. What was funny was that Kamakshi fell when Baymax hit his head one one of the steps. Hiro turned back to see Kamakshi lying on the steps and Baymax shushing himself and hitting his head towards the wall.

"Hiro? You home, sweetie?" Cass enquired.

"That's right." Hiro and Kamakshi ran upstairs and greeted her. Hiro was trying his best to act normal.

"I thought I heard you. Hi." 

"Hey, aunt Cass."

Cass turned to Kamakshi  and said, "Kamakshi! After weeks, you're here."

"Hi, aunt Cass."

"Look at my little college people. I can't wait to hear all about it! And wings are almost ready."

"Whee!" Baymax interrupted and appeared. Hiro and Kamakshi tried their best to hide him.

"Yeah, wings! Whee!"

The duo tried to hide him from Cass, struggling to put the 'drunk' robot to Hiro's room whilst Cass was preparing 'hot wings' for them. After hiding him, Hiro told his aunt, "The thing is that, since I registered so late, I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on." Baymax bumped onto the wall, interrupting them. Later, Kamakshi saw Mochi being thrown upstairs to his room. Poor cat sat on her lap, then onto Baymax's arms.

Hiro came upstairs and got a sight of the robot petting Mochi. The cat hissed and went downstairs. The duo helped Baymax to get into his charging station and Hiro lied on his bed. Kamakshi sat at the edge, rubbing her eyes.

"This doesn't make any sense," Hiro croaked.


Kamakshi's body drooped as she heard the name.

"What?" Hiro said. "Tadashi." Baymax saw Tadashi's room, tidy, empty and neat like it has not been used for days, and his cap laid on the bed.

"Tadashi's gone." Hiro closed the door of his room.

"When will he return?" He enquired.

"He's dead, Baymax."

Kamakshi sobbed silently, not minding the conversation between them as she reminisced what happened after the showcase. She snapped back to reality when she saw Baymax downloading a database of personal loss.

"Treatments include contact with friends and loved ones. I am contacting them now." Baymax continued.

"No, no, no! I... don't do that." 

"Your friends have been contacted."


Kamakshi heard the ringtone of her phone and she saw Hiro's name in the caller ID. "Are you kidding me? I'm right over here, " she added and went to her friend. But then, she felt a pair of squishy hand wrapped around her.

"Now, what are you doing?" Hiro asked.

"Other treatments include compassion and physical reassurance."

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