chapter 2

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A/N: There will be some Assamese words or sentences.

"Mira, I can explain."

"Where have you been?" Kamakhya's anger erupted.

"Long story short, Tadashi called and asked me whether Hiro was with me or not. I said that he wasn't here. I asked him for my help, but he insisted and I refused not to be helpless. Hiro, Tadashi and I got arrested because we were in a bot-fight. End of the story." She whispered.

"Wait- arrested? And bot-fight? Who bailed you out? And you know, bot-fighting is illegal." Kamakhya whispered harshly, doing some movements when a person whispers angrily.

"Cass did. Listen, if you tell dad about this, I am dead. So dead. And how do you know about bot-fighting?" Kamakshi put her hands on her waist.

"I searched. But don't tell me that you were bot-fighting too."

"I did not! Hiro did!"

"Wow! I didn't know that your husband would participate in illegal things."

"One, he's not my husband. Two, he'll change his mind because Tadashi took him to SFIT. I just know, since I researched about it. I'll also go."

"Take me with you!" Kamakhya grabbed her arm and pouted, showing her watering eyes that no one could resist.

"Fine." After they got into their beds, Kamakshi soon realises that she did not tell Aunt Cass about the whole 'do-not-tell-my-dad-that-I-got-arrested' thing.

"মই আগতে মৰিলু। (I am already dead.)"


Two days later,

"So, have you found out what you're going to build?" Kamakshi swayed her body, tilting her body, to and fro. But she stopped.

"Well, you will soon see." Hiro said and opened his garage door. "At least, you can tell me. C'mon!"

"Patience, Ophelia. Patience." He ruffled her hair. Kamakshi pushed away his hands. Hiro kept Megabot on the table.

"So, I've been thinking of making microbots, thanks to my Megabot for the inspiration."

"You mean your bot-fighting robot? Interesting. Since, you're using magnetic-bearing servos invented by Robert Callaghan." Kamakshi smirks at him.

"How did you-"

"Hiro, I also know robotics. I'm a prodigy, remember? "

"Yep, you are. So, let's go to work."

They started working on Hiro's presentation. The microbots were made to be the smallest bots , which Hiro explains to her, and Kamakshi was impressed to see her friend working on something which would help him to get to a college.

"Hey Hira. You know, you can visit the nerd school if you want." Kamakshi stops working and was shocked by Hiro's statement.

"What? I can?"

"Yep. Tadashi really wanted to take you there, since you couldn't go that day. Go on. It's going to be fine and awesome."

"I don't know. I-"

"Hey, I'm here for you. No matter what, me, Tadashi and our friends will always be by your side." Hiro put both his hands on her shoulders.

" 'Our friends'?"

"You will soon meet them."

"Okay." She hugged him, but she does not know why she was blushing. Hiro hugged her back and they released the hug.

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