If she was going to go trough with this plan, she had to think quicker on her feet than this. "Well, I just... find coins very interesting. Especially magical ones. Yup." That seemed good enough for him. Her posture loosened. The doorbell rang. She flinched.

Together, Lena joined Fethry to get the door. Standing at the door was a woman with hair that was different shades of purple and blue. She gave a quirked smile at Fethry, entering as he heals the door for him.

Fethry looked happy to see her, though not quite as desperate for attention as he had been when Lena arrived. "Mitzy! What are you doing here?"

"With the... rough patch you've been having with your family, I figured I'd stop by to encourage you. And I figured out how to make a cake." She held it out to them. Lopsided, but it looked somewhat edible. Mitzy turned to Lena. "Who's this?"

Fethry pulled Lena closer, making her uncomfortable. "This is Lena, one of the kids' friends. But she's been keeping me company, so now we're friends. Right, Lena?" Lena nodded, but on the inside she shuddered at the thought. With Mitzy here, that might complicate things, but nevertheless, Lena had to get the coin as quickly as possible. The eclipse would rise soon, and Lena's powers would be at their peak.

"So, uh, Fethry, back on that ghost story-"

"You can set your cake down in the kitchen." Fethry ignored Lena, shuffling through his trash.

Mitzy stared at the mess, scrunching her beak. "Uh, starting to regret regretting leaving you." Picking up her feet, she maneuvered over the pizza boxes.

In disdain, Lena hesitated before following. She clenched her fists. Magica was probably enjoying watching Lena's plan fall apart. The young girl could only imagine how long it would be before she got that penny. If he destroyed it, it was hopeless. And best case scenario, if he simply threw it away, she had to run across town to some junk yard and dig around for it. Part of her, weighed down with doubt, considered giving up. But she couldn't. She'd come too far to throw away everything she'd been working towards.


Since the hotel room was too small, the triplets sat around a small table outside by the pool. Set on the table was a small pile of egg salad sandwiches and some food that Webby had no clue how to pronounce or tell what it was. (That meant it was fancy, right?) Webby sat between Dewey and Louie, Huey opposite her. Checking too make sure no one was watching, he reached for one of the sandwiches, but before he could grab it, Webby leaned obver the table and smacked his hand away.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"We can't eat yet!"

"Why not?"

She couldn't tell them they were waiting for Fethry, otherwise they would certainly protest. Lucky for her, she was raised by one of the strictest people she knew, and that had taught her an excellent skill: the art of lying. "Egg salad sandwiches are at their peak when left to sit for at least four hours, and these were only made three hours and eleven minutes ago." She gave Huey a look. "You wouldn't want to ruin dinner, would you?"

Louie squinted. "I don't think that's true. I'm pretty sure they get grosser with time."

"Are you calling me a liar?" Webby tried, but Louie had already pulled out his phone and was starting to look it up. She had to pull out the big guns. Pulling the most disappointed face she could, she said, "Fine, go ahead and look it up if you don't trust me. I mean, what do I know? I'm just a little kid." She puckered her lips for good measure.

Watching her, he hesitated, his face reading confused and conflicted. He slid the phone back in his pocket. "I guess we could wait longer..."

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