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The goodbye had been long, heartfelt. Prolonged by a man knowing he probably won't return alive but being too scared of what his fiance would do to stop him, so he decided to not tell him what mission he was going on.

"I won't hurt anyone, but if I don't do this then the Dark Lord will get suspicious" it had been the plan since the beginning. Since he decided not to let go, the only way to keep everyone alive. Was too deceive everyone. Convince everyone except your friends that you chose the evil side, that you chose to leave James and join Voldemort.

And now deceive his friends into thinking he's just going on another mission for Voldemort, because if they knew what he was planning... they would've done everything in their power to stop him

"I know... just please be careful... I can't loose you" Regulus almost lost his composure, staring at the ring on finger as he caressed James' cheek.

"I will... I love you, so much" James stared at him in confusion before bringing him into a kiss.

"If you're trying to make me stop you from going on this mission it's working... so go before I get us all killed."

"Okay bye Jamie, I love you"

"Love you too"

James' voice broke as he screamed, staring down at the tear stained letter he received telling him that the love of his life was dead.

"James" Sirius' voice was quieted by a sob caught in his throat.

"We were going to get married, we were going to have a life together! Why the fuck did I let him go... I shouldn't have let him go" his throat was raw, the feeling of sandpaper rubbing against his voice box almost helping the feeling of disbelief as he refused to let go of the letter that destroyed the bubble of happiness he and Regulus had been in since Hogwarts.

"James it's not your fault" James couldn't stop the sobs that came whenever he tried to speak, the unimaginable feeling of dread.

He had lost his soulmate.


😀 I apologize... but don't worry this isn't the last chapter...

I decided to post 2 chapters today 💞😋

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