Chapter 7 - Quidditch

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Regulus felt as if he could puke while staring at his pitiful bowl of porridge and apprehensively awaiting the time when the Ravenclaw quidditch captain would call all players to the changing rooms to have a pep talk. It was Regulus' first ever quidditch match and the 13 year old was positively quivering in his robes.
"Come on eat up," Anita Shaw, a chaser on the Ravenclaw team, said to him lightly thumping him on the back with a chuckle.
Regulus was playing seeker as when tryouts were held he was one of the only people to not bask into the goalposts in pursuit of the snitch. Regulus must admit Brandon Mclaggen was pretty funny to watch while he was shouting at the new recruits about possibly investing in some glasses. The thought made Regulus snigger and just as he started to choke on his pumpkin juice form laughing Sirius walked up behind and clapped a hand on his shoulder making him splutter more while just stood there an amused expression n his face.
"Hey Reg now I know you're already nervous but you must beat the crap out of those slimy snakes and makes them slither in defeat back to their dungeon alright," Sirius said in a serious tone and Regulus didn't think he was joking and just nodded.
"Now on a happier note good luck little bro I'll be watching from the stands," Sirius said giving regulus one last pat on the back as he walked off to rejoin his friends again, but his remark left Regulus smiling.
Regulus ate the rest of his porridge and had a couple of slices of toast but left it there as he really didn't want to be sick on the pitch. He saw Brandon walk into the great hall purposely, head held high and a proud look on his face and his stomach flipped.
"Alright Shaw, Black, Waters get up let's go the rest of the team is in the changing rooms chop chop," He said then strode off again.
Regulus shakily got to his feet and walked out the great hall and proceeded to half walk half jog to the changing rooms. He sat down on a bench and looked round at his teammates.
There was: Brandon the captain and chaser
Anita another chaser
Cordelia Waters the last chaser
Quinn Bennett a beater
Ezra Cooper the other beater
Madeleine King the keeper
And finally him, Regulus Black as the seeker.
His nerves were through the roof and it seemed as if he wasn't the only as the rest of the team all had similar nervous expressions on their faces.
"Today we must do out best and win that is a very important factor of this game: winning. Also everyone this is Regulus Black our new seeker don't let us down Regulus," Brandon finished his pep talk and Regulus felt even worse than before.
What kind of pep talk was telling somebody to not fail them especially if that person is a nervous wreck already.
"Places everybody," Brandon cried and Regulus hurried to stand next to him.
Clutching at his broom tightly he put on a straight face lifting his chin up and squaring his shoulders, just how Sirius had taught him.
'Make the ladies swoon," Sirius had said and Regulus had just chuckled and shook his head in response.
All too soon they were being announced and Regulus mounted his broom and flew out of the tent, robes billowing in the wind and the ferocious cheering hit him like a bus. It was absolutely wild and he could see why Sirius and James enjoyed it so much the atmosphere was incredible. Regulus waved slightly to the crowd and all the Ravenclaw cheered as he blushed at the response. Pulling himself together he flew higher into the air and watched as Madam Hooch tossed the quaffle into the air and Brandon caught it.
"And Mclaggen's in possession of the quaffle I think old Borton from slytherin might need to invest in a pair of glasses if he can't see the bright red quaffle coming at him," Sirius' voice was spread out across the grounds and Regulus almost fell off his broom in shock as he found out the Sirius was quidditch commentator for the game.
A couple of minutes into the game and Ravenclaw were 20-0 but Regulus' heart was pounding as he looked desperately for the snitch, it hadn't been long but he really did want to bring glory to the team and have his brother proud of him.
"James wants to clarify that he's doesn't have the hots for Evans anymore. I would like to clarify that is a lie," Sirius spoke and Regulus could hear the smirk in his voice and snorted.
"Black focus on the game!" Mcgonagall barked.
"Sorry professor but it's true,"
"Alright I'm stopping now and ohh Slytherins keeper just saved a goal but I don't think anyone saw under that downpour of dandruff now remember hair care is very important,"
"Black if you don't stop I will personally rip that mic out of your hand,"
"Sorry sorry sorry I won't do it again,"
It was quite amusing hearing Sirius fight with Mcgonagall over his insults but couldn't pay much attention to them as he dived and swooped keeping his eyes open and on high alert at all times.
"And the beater in green to the right hand side is being very vicious today now I don't think those bats are used for hitting people but if you're a brute like the I suppose so," Sirius scoffed.
"Black I'm warning you," Mcgonagall growled.
Just as Sirius was about to reply the whistle blew announcing either a team meeting or somebody had been injured.
"O'Malley those bats are not to be used like that I will have you not play if you dare do that again am I understood," Madam Hooch hissed and O'Malley gulped and nodded.
"Right now play on," She said blowing her whistle again and Regulus set off.
He scanned the pitch desperately looking for the tiny golden ball with wings. They had been playing for around 30 minutes now and the score was 100-80 to Ravenclaw so it was extremely close. A flash of gold in peripheral vision got his attention and he urged his broom to go faster. It seemed the seeker from Slytherin had seen his burst of speed and was now on his tail. Regulus willed the broom to go even faster and his hand outstretched desperately trying to grab the ball. They seemed to be getting closer and closer to the ground and Regulus knew if he couldn't catch it in time they would both be flattened. The Slytherin seeker seemed to think the same and he galled at Regulus and glanced at the ball but Regulus could almost feel the cool metal on his fingertips and leaned forward even more. With a gasp and a tumble he fell of his broom but he had the snitch clasped in his fist so he didn't really care. The fall wasn't bad and he only really tumbled ever so slightly into some sand, it helped that as the snitch got closer and closer to the ground and so did he so he didn't really fall that far. The Slytherin seeker hadn't been so lucky. He hasn't pulled out of the dive in time and had smashed his nose into the sand and a small pool of blood had blossomed around him.
"AND HE'S GOT THE SNITCH THAT'S MY BROTHER!" Sirius screamed hit the microphone and Regulus blushed under the praise.
He was happy that his brother was proud of him.
Soon Regulus found himself swarmed by other players and the marauders of course. James and Remus patted him on the back while Peter stood there a happy smile on his face. Regulus could see Sirius running madly towards him and handed the snitch he still had clutched in his grasp to James and stood up and ran to hug his brother.
"I did it," He whispered in joy as they embraced.
"I'm so proud of you Reggie," Sirius whispered back but they had to cut their embrace short as all the Ravenclaw players bombarded Regulus with praise and a scarf was draped round his neck and Regulus soon found himself hoisted up onto the shoulders of his teammates.
Regulus beamed and cheered along with the rest of his team and could faintly here Sirius' cheers as well. He had never felt more at home and now he wished he could live in this happy moment forever, with everyone cheering and smiling and laughing and just in general having a good time.
Another chapter I really do think that if Regulus wasn't so fixated on pleasing his parents or rather being scared of them he would've been a Ravenclaw.
~ Hazel

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