The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 2) Rewrite

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After travelling in a car for a little while, we began to walk in order to find the tentacle alien.

"We're close." The Doctor told us.
An explosion happened a little way off from where we were standing and I sucked in a harsh breath.
"Bingo." The Doctor squeezed my hand slightly in her excitement. "Oi!"
A metal man appeared but I couldn't quite focus. Why is she still holding my hand? How had I not noticed?
"I was expecting a tentacle-y thing." She shouted at the metal man. "Don't you move!"
It turned away, and I heard the Doctor mutter "Right, okay." under her breath before she sped off after it, pulling me along with her.
"Oh, lost it. It's fast." The Doctor breathed heavily and turned to me, gesturing with one of her hands. "I'm slower cos of all this... fizzing inside."

I smiled slightly and looked down at our interlocked fingers. Why is she doing this to me again? I sighed, my smile dropping.

"Uh, Do-" I caught myself before I said it. "What do I call you for now?"

"I'm not too sure..." The Doctor pondered to herself before smiling cheekily. "Sexy?"

I let out a half breath, half laugh before leaning my head against her shoulder to hide the wide smile. Too much like the old days. The days I was happy. The days I could be with him.

"In here!"

Moment ruined...

*Time Skip*

We had entered an industrial unit and found a man on the ground, obviously dead. It was a shock but we quickly moved on. Ryan and Yaz decided to explore the place, leaving the Doctor, Graham, Grace and I.

The Doctor was at a workbench, assembling components while me, Grace and Graham watched. I stood closest to the Doctor, leaning against a table that was in the room.
"You don't look like an alien." Graham stated, making me roll my eyes.
"You should've seen me a few hours back. My whole body changed." She moved over to me and reached around to grab something that was behind me. "Every cell in my body burning. Some of them are still at it now. Reordering, regenerating."
"Sounds painful, love." Grace locked eyes with me knowingly.
"You have no idea." She pulled away from me slightly, but paused to study my face. "There's this moment when you're sure you're about to die and then... you're born. It's terrifying."

"I can imagine." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Right now, I'm a stranger to myself." She jumped backwards and turned to Grace and Graham. "There's echoes of who I was, and a sort of call towards who I am, and I have to hold my nerve and trust all these new instincts. Shape myself towards them."

Her arms waved around dramatically, her hands closed as she held different items.

"I'll be fine, in the end. Hopefully. Well, I have to be because you guys need help. And if there is one thing I'm certain of, when people need help, I never refuse. Right, this is going to be fun!"

The Doctor worked away at the metals and gadgets she was holding. She smiled at a Sheffield Stainless Steel spoon, then put it and a whole load of other cutlery into a bucket and melted them.

"What are you making?" I asked, making sure to keep my distance so I wouldn't be hit by sparks.

"A sonic screwdriver!" The Doctor shouted so I would be able to hear her over the noise.

"Oh, that's a first. Making one from scratch..." I said quietly.

The noise stopped and the Doctor turned to me holding the screwdriver.
"Ta-da!" The sonic screwdriver lit up, then made a loud bang. "Oh. Should be fine."

I rolled my eyes but smiled at her. I tapped the end of the sonic before ruffling through my bag and pulling out a sonic the Doctor had given me when she was on her eleventh regeneration. Well more like I stole it. I held it up and laughed at her bewildered look. I pressed the button, letting it buzz for a few seconds before I slipped it back into my bag.

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