They all sat down and Mitsuya grinned "Time for the song" he said and I rolled my eyes "You guys don't have to-"

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!" they sang causing me to smile "Thanks again" I tilted my head to the side and gave them a close-eyed smile.

Mana hugged me tightly "Don't move out anytime soon!" She said and I chuckled "Even when I do move out, I'll still visit you two" I said as I ruffled their hair.

They grinned at me and began eating their pancakes.

"So what are your plans for today?" Mitsuya asked and I shrugged "I dunno, I just want to relax.....nothing special" I said and he smiled "Well you deserve all the rest that you want" he said and I smiled at him "Thanks Takashi" I said and he nodded "Of course, now eat up" he said and I grabbed my fork before taking a bit of the fluffy breakfast food "Mhm yum!"

"Yay she likes it!" Mana chirped and Luna smiled at me "I think we deserve cake" she said and Mana nodded in agreement causing me to laugh "I'll pick up a cake for later, how about we stay up and watch movies later on tonight?" He suggested and I nodded "That sounds perfect"

"I'm sure Mikey has something planned for you so I'll leave you guys to it, I'll just see you tonight" he said as he stood up and I raised a brow "Where are you going?" I asked and he smiled "I'm heading out with Yuzuha and Hakkai" he said and I raised a brow "Huh Yuzuha?" I questioned and he nodded "Yeah, Hakkai's older sister" he said and my jaw dropped "He has a sister?" I questioned and he chuckled "Yeah, it's not a surprise that you haven't met her......she's never really around for anything too violent but she's still totally badass" he walked towards the door as he continued to talk "I'll introduce you guys sometime"

I smiled "I'm looking forward to it!" I said and he gave me a short nod "Bye girls!" He waved and we all waved back to him as he walked out.

Mana and Luna turned to me with big smiles "We should play a game!" Mana said and Luna rolled her eyes "No way! It's Y/N's birthday and I doubt that she wants to play some silly game" she said while crossing her arms and my eyes widened slightly at her words.

Woah.....she's really becoming more mature.

I smiled "I really don't mind playing with you guys" I said and Luna raised a brow "Are you sure! You don't have to do all of that just because we're younger, we won't get mad" she said reassuringly and I chuckled a bit at her forwardness "You're really growing up Luna, but try and stay a kid for a bit longer" I said as I pulled her into a hug and she quickly hugged back.

"If you insist!"

I laughed at that.

"Ok so what did you girls want to play?"


We had been playing with dolls for the past 2 hours.

They were killing me and a small part of me had wished that I had never said yes to playing with them in the first place.

"Again! Again!"

Ok a BIG part of me wished that I never said yes.

"Hehe....." I chuckled dryly as we played out the exact same scenario with the dolls once again.

"You girls must really like playing with dolls" I said and Mana nodded "Big brother makes a lot of our toys so we like to play with them as much as possible!" She said and my eyes widened slightly "Huh.....he does?" I asked and she nodded before standing up and walking over to a small chest near her bed.

𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞 𝕭𝖞 𝕸𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊}Where stories live. Discover now