Haunted Night Out

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Steve and Cib were having a face off, the rest of Sugar Pine 7 hanging out as well. Steve was being such a bitch that Cib finally had enough.

"If you're so brave, then go spend the night in the haunted mansion!!" Cib challenged. Steve froze and stared in shock. Everyone knows that if you go in you never come out. Cib smirked and leaned back, a daring look on his face. "Or are you too sacred?" He asked, amusement in his voice

"Scared? I don't get scared of anything. James, you drive me. Pick me up in the morning," Steve ordered. Autumn sat up straighter, a slightly panicked look on her face.

"Wait, Steve no," she said. Steve just held that stubborn look, one that made Cib regret betting him.

"Steve wait no, it's too dangerous,"

"Hey, I'm Steven Suptic. I can handle anything!" He declared a cocky sound in his tone. SP7 knew there was now no convincing the tall man of changing his mind. James slowly got up and made his way to the car, grabbing his keys.

"I still don't think it's safe," James muttered, continuing to make his way to the car. He slid behind the driver seat, like they did in every episode, James driving, Cib in the back, and of course Steve in shotgun.

"I don't necessarily care," Steve said, feeling brave now.

"Are you going to record?" Cib asked, knowing what the answer was already going to be. Steve had left SP7 to stream, but oftentimes still hung out with them and helped with a few of the videos.

"Nope. I don't do YouTube anymore. I stream. And I don't wanna right now," Steve said. They arrived at a very tall mansion, him slipping out of the car easily.

"Be safe there Steve. Apollo would kill me if something happened to you," Cib said. Steve just flashed his smile, one that said nothing could go wrong.

"Of course. Bye~" he said, leaving and walking towards the mansion. He didn't know what was ahead of him. He opened the door and it shut behind him, he flinched and tried to open it. It was definitely locked.

"Steven Suptic~" came a haunting voice. He whirled around and a familiar person stood in front of him.

"H-Hafu? What happened to you?" He asked and reached out. His hand passed through her wrist. She started to giggle uncontrollably.

"Steven~" she giggled and vanished. He became confused, when did Hafu become a ghost. He had only been playing with her earlier, had something happened? And why would her soul be bound here?

"Hafu!! Come back!!" He called. Her giggle floated through the air, seeming to get louder as he walked deeper into the mansion. He called out for her again. "Hafu!!"

A hand grabbed him and he was slammed against the wall by someone he never would've expected.

"Hello Suptic," the voice purred. It seemed smooth, but it was quiet and he knew who it belonged to.

"DK?" He asked. His friend stood there, a red look in his eyes. His teeth were sharp and blood already dripped from his mouth. The lights flickered, revealing a body behind DK. It was on the floor, neck to the side at an odd angle, blood dripped from its neck.

And it was Ellum

"Ellum?" Steve whispered. But the Brit was decaying and fast. His skin shriveled to a green. A hand ran down his neck, causing Steve to flinch and look back at DK.

"How good your blood would taste~" DK purred. Steve flinched and shoved his friend back. DK snarled and Ellum peeled himself off the floor. He walked slowly and seemed to be uneven.

"Get away from me!!" He cried and stumbled away. He threw open a door and slammed it shut. Everything seemed to rattle as he did. Nothing was in here, or so it seemed.

A cold feeling on his shoulder made him jump and cry out. The girl giggled, Hafu was back.

"Hafu?" He asked and reached for the ghost again. Once again she giggled and seemingly dispersed into thin air. "Hafu!" He cried again. He started to cry, he hated to see his friends like this.

An enchanting voice sang out, just seeming to hum a tune. His brain went fuzzy and all he wanted to do was follow the male voice. So he did. He left the room, DK and zombified Ellum had left, nowhere to be seen.

Steve went closer to the voice, 5up stood there holding out his hand. Speaking to him.

"Steven. God how much I want you~" 5up purred. His voice seemed to float. That's how Steve knew it was fake, first of all Steve loved Dumbdog. And second off, 5up was asexual.

"You aren't real," he whispered. Then Scott's face broke through. He growled and lunged at Steve, causing the tall man to dodge

"I want your soul Steven!" He growled and jumped. Steve turned and ran but Scott was close behind him. Hafus giggle rang out again as he ran from the siren.

"Help me Hafu! I want to go home!" He screamed. Scott was still after him, then a growl slammed him against the wall. He closed his eyes, unsure of who or what had him

"He is mine Scott," came the low rumble of an angry Dumbdog.

"Fine," Smajor replied back, clearly agitated. Steve slowly opened his eyes and was faced with his lover. But he was hairy and clearly a werewolf.

"Hello love," Dumbdog said, a low tone in the voice. This was not Steve's Apollo though and he started to squirm. Another giggle rang out from Hafu.

"Apollo, where's Hafu?"

"She's not important to you," he growled into Steve's ear. Steve made a moment choice and shoved the werewolf away before running. Dumbdog was hot on his heels though, but paused as DK appeared.

"He's on my side now Apollo," DK hissed as he grabbed Steve and forced him down. Steve felt DK force his neck to an odd angle but before he felt the teeth pierce him, Dumbdog tackled the vampire version of his friend down.

A cold hand grabbed his hand and he looked over to see Koji. But the man seemed different. He seemed to love in almost a robotic way, as he led Steve off.

"Are you a robot?" Steve asked. But nothing was spoken. The man seemed to have no way to speak, his mouth sewn together. "I'm looking for Hafu," Koji didn't respond and instead pointed to the door he walked over to. Steve opened it and slowly walked in.

Janet and Kimi stood there, Kimi was Grey like stone and when she did move she moved slowly, Janet had snakes for hair and her eyes were covered. She took off the blindfold though.

"Steven," Janet said, walking over. Steve backed up as the snakes snapped at him. "I want to add you to the collection of Stone I have,"

Steve turned and tried to run, but felt Kimi grab him. He struggled as he was forced to face Janet, then Janet screamed as it was reflected back to her though. Hafu giggled again and he moved away from the now frozen Kimi and Janet.

He ran back through everything. Getting closer to the exit door as 5up stood there.

"You have survived the night. See you next year," the plant said, then the door opened and Steve was free.

He now knew better than to take a dare from Cib

Happy Halloween people!!

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