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I woke up on the sofa I guess I didn't make it to my bed everyone was up early even the driver, "come one you need pack your stuff y/n" colson said handing me a cup of water "okay" 
Thankfully the airport wasn't far , after what felt like an hour of packing my bags we left the bus to go to the airport , everyone was so drained from the past week , we walked over to security got our bags checked and waited for our plane to arrive, it was a 30 minute wait ,I ended up falling asleep on rooks shoulder which was a mistake because he poured water in my ear. They called out that our plane had arrived and people began to board .
We walked down the aisles looking for our seats I got to sit next to colson "i Get the window seat" I sat rushing to it making colson laugh "your like a child jeez" he put mine and his bag in the head lockers before sitting down and putting his seat belt on .
As the fight attend walked through the rows make sure everyone's seat belt was on I started to get nerves , I didn't like planes the landing and taking off part scared the fuck out of me for some reason "here" colson said looking concerned holding out his hand ,as the plane started to move I squeezed his hand trying to calm my body down, I put my headphone in shut my eyes , I rested my head on colsons shoulder before I knew it we were in the air

The seat belt sign pinged off "colson" "yh" "can you move I need to use the bathroom" "oh right ya" as I got us the plane moved making me fall onto
Colsons bony knees "you alright" "my bad" I said giggling before getting up . I left the bathroom and headed back to my seat excuse me baz can I "Yh sure" I got to my seat without falling on colson again.

"Y/n wake up y/n omg wake up" colson said prodding me "what" "we're about to land" "then why tf did you wake me up you know I hate the landings" "oh shit I just thought you wanted to know" "dam you are dumb as fuck" I said giggling

"My bad y/n" why tf did I do that, well at least I can hold her hand for a reason now.

Colson grabbed my hand before the plane jolted down "if I cut your hand with my nails don't complain " I said squeezing my eyes closed
As the plane hit the floor

We left the airport and got picked up "I'll got with rook and slim" I said getting in the same car as them I put my headphones in and pressed play when rook suddenly tapped me in my shoulder "can I put an earphone in" "sure" .

As the car rolled up to the hotel rook tapped me on my shoulder waking me up , i wiped my dribble praying that rook didn't see as soon as i got into my hotel room i jumped straight onto my bed oh lord how i could sleep for hours the bed was so soft and comfy as i was about to finally drift off a heard a bang on door "y/n you awake" ffs slim i walked to the door before swinging it open "yes slim" "were heading out to eat care to join" "lemme change quickly" i put joggers and a jumper on with a pair of fluffy crocks "nice shoes" slim said holding the door open as i left "were are the others?" "don stairs waiting" "well race you there" i said running towards the stairs slim took the elevator as i got to the bottom floor i ran out the double doors scaring a man "i win" i said out breath before sitting down next to colson "look who finally showed up" i said to slim who thought he won "well less go im starving what we getting chapotle" i said Turing to colson smiling "dont i can still smell the sour cream from when i worked there were going to the restaurant over there" "i hope im not under dressed" oh boy was i while i was wearing comfy cloths and crocks everyone in the restaurant was wearing suits and fancy dresses "can we go some where else i do not like the stares were getting" "nope" great , we got taken to the back of the restaurant which was the VIP part where we got our own room "dam this place is nice" i said before sitting down

we all ordered our drinks n meal as they arrived my phone started to ring it was cam great "hey why are you calling at this time" "just checking up on you i miss you" "well you'll see me next week when we come back alright now i gotta go im having a meal okay bye" "who was that" slim said "just my mum" "never knew your mum sounded like a man" "shut up lets eat" i dont know why i lied i guess i was too scared to tell him seeing as slim hates cam

as we headed back colson asked me if that was actually my mum "no it was cam" i explained to him why i lied i think he understood but i dont know. i took a shower before getting into my pjs and getting into bed i was lucky
That i didnt have to share a hotel room with anyone i like my own space .

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