Jafar: Sire, I must advise against this.
Sultan: Oh, button up, Jafar. Learn to have a little fun.
(He kicks away the staff and Carpet and Sultan fly away. Iago, who was standing on the head of the staff, falls down, repeatedly bopping the staff with his beak as he descends. Sultan and Carpet fly high into the ceiling, then begin a dive-bomb attack, flying under Abu, scaring him.

Iago: Ow, ow, ow.
Sultan: Ahh! Whoa! Look out! Here I come!
(The flight continues in the background, while Jafar and Ali talk in the foreground.)

Jafar: Just where did you say you were from?
Prince Ali: Oh, much farther than you've traveled, I'm sure. (He smiles. Jafar does not.)
Jafar: Try me.
(Iago lands on the staff.)

Sultan: Look out, Polly.
(They all duck in time as the carpet whizzes centimetres over their heads. Carpet returns and the Sultan chases Iago around the room.)

Iago: Hey, watch it. Watch it with the dumb rug. Aah! Whew!
(The carpet zooms underneath Iago, who sighs, wipes his brow, and crashes into a pillar. He crashes to the floor, and his head is circled by miniature Sultans on Carpets, saying "Have a cracker, have a cracker. The real Sultan begins his final approach.)

Sultan: Out of the way. I'm coming in to land. Jafar, watch this.  (He lands.)
Jafar: Spectacular, Your Highness.
Sultan: Ooh, lovely. Yes, I do seem to have a knack for it. (Carpet walks over to Abu dizzily, then collapses. Abu catches it.) This is a very impressive youth. And a prince as well. (Whispers to Jafar) If we're lucky, you won't have to marry Jasmine after all.
Jafar: I don't trust him, Sire.
Sultan: Nonsense. One thing, I pride myself on, Jafar, I'm an excellent judge of character.
Iago: Oh, excellent judge. Yeah, sure. Not!
(Jasmine walks in quietly.)
Sultan: Jasmine will like this one.
Prince Ali: And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Jasmine.
Jafar: Your Highness, no. I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf. (Jamsine hears this and gets mad.) This boy is no different from the others. What makes him think he is worthy of the princess?
Prince Ali: Your Majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa. (He pricks Jafar's goatee, which springs out in all directions.) Just let her meet me. I will win your daughter
Princess Jasmine: How dare you! (They all look at her surprised.) All of you. Standing around deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!
(She storms out.)
Sultan: Oh, dear. Don't worry, Prince Ali. Just give Jasmine time to cool down.
(They exit.)
Jafar: I think it's time to say good-bye to Prince Abooboo.
(At night)
Aladdin: What am I gonna do? Jasmine won't let me even talk to her. She know I couldn't pull off that stupid prince wish.
(Abu tries to peel the banana, but it spits out on his eye and he threw it away)
(Daniel Tiger and Genie are playing a board game)
Genie: So move.
(Daniel Tiger does, knocking a black piece off the board)
Daniel Tiger: I win.
Genie: That's good move. I can't believe it, I'm losing to a tiger cub.
Aladdin: Genie I need help.
Genie: (as Jack Nicholson) All right, Sparky, here's the deal. You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya got it?
Aladdin: What?
Genie: Tell her the TRUTH!!!
Aladdin: No way. If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me.
(He puts on his turban, which lights up as the Genie.)
Genie: A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh. (Aladdin pulls the chain turning off the light. Genie comes out holding the real turban.) Al, all joking aside.
AJ: Genie does got a good point, though. Maybe you should be yourself or something.
Aladdin: Hey, that's the last thing I wanna be. Okay, I'm gonna go see her. I just... I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?
Genie: (sighs) Like a prince.
AJ: Good luck Aladdin.
(Aladdin flies up to the balcony on Carpet.)
Daniel Tiger: just hope things will be alright if Aladdin knows what he's doing.
AJ: I hope so too, Daniel Tiger. Jasmine is on her bed, sighing. Rajah is by her side.)

Aladdin: Princess Jasmine?
(Rajah looks up and growls.)

Princess Jasmine: Who's there?
Aladdin: It's me, Prince Ali. Ahem. Uh, Prince Ali Ababwa.
Princess Jasmine:: I do not want to see you.
Aladdin: No, no, please, Princess. Give me a chance.
(Rajah growls and advances on him.)
Princess Jasmine: Just leave me alone.
Aladdin: Down, kitty.
(Over the edge of the balcony, Carpet is watching with Genie below.)
Genie: So, how's your little beau doing?
(Carpet cuts his neck with his finger.)

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