Chapter 24

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"Hey baby wake up we're here Y/n" Sanzu waking Y/n up

"Hmm? Uh? Ahh" Feeling dizzy when wakes up

"You ok? You look so pale" Sanzu said

"Just tired and sleepy, I'll go first" I said

"Oh ok go ahead be careful with your steps" He said

I went to our room and got rest. I didn't know what's happening to me, is this what really pregnant woman feels. I slept so deep and didn't notice I have a lot of missed calls from Kisaki.

I woke up at night and didn't check my phone because I'm hungry. I saw the Haitani brothers and Kokonoi at the dinning room eating so I joined them.

When I sat down I grabbed all the food I want to eat but couldn't finish all. I saw a strawberry and mayonnaise beside Kokonoi so I asked him to pass it to me.

"Hey Koko you gonna eat that strawberry?" I asked

"No, you want it?" He asked too

"Yeah, and pass me also the mayonnaise" I said

Kokonoi pass me the food. They looked at me for a second to see what will I do to those. I didn't care about them and just dipped the strawberry in the mayonnaise.

"The fck? What are you doing?" Rindo looking at me like he's disgusted on me

*Munch munch* "what? I'm just eating, do you have a problem with that?" I asked

"Girl? You serious with that? Isn't that like gross? Dipping strawberry on mayonnaise?" Ran asked

"When was the last time you and Sanzu did it? Your pregnant aren't you?" Rindo asked

"Eh? Ha? Wh-why would you ask that silly question haha" I got nervous

"Well you often sleeps long and now mixing foods like crazy" Ran added

"No. I-i'm oh fck, ok fine I'll tell you this but promise me you won't tell anyone especially Sanzu!" I said and they nodded as response

"Hayst, yes I'm pregnant hep hep hep but Sanzu doesn't know so you're not allowed to tell him or karma will come to you ok?" I said

"Pft, Like I'm scared" Ran smirked as he drink his water

"August 24 at exactly 11:48 pm Ran Haitani was walking around drunk and doesn't have any bottoms *Showed them a video of Ran walking around without bottoms*"

Ran spit his water out from his mouth in surprised for what I did.

"Ok ok fine we won't tell them. . . *He whispered* Hey can you delete that, I'm a little embarrassed" He said

"Hmm I'll think about it" I replied

When we're done having our conversation we eat again. I looked at my plate and saw there's only 2 strawberry left and my mayonnaise was moved. The 3 of us looks at Kokonoi and saw him eating my strawberry with mayonnaise.

"Mmm. . This isn't that bad at all" Kokonoi said while savoring every single bite he took from the strawberry

An hour later we finished our foods and went to bed. I walked in, in our room and saw Sanzu sleeping so peacefully. I lay beside him and looked at his face that looks so innocent.

"I'm sorry"

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