Chapter 23

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"What do want AAHHHH" As the person approaching me was about to touch my face

"Hi Y/n" The person took the hoodie off

"W-who are you? H-how do y-you my name? And why are y-you following me?" I asked

"Oh I'm Senju" She said

"Senju? Oh gosh Senju, Senju Akashi. . . Sanzus sister" I said

"You know me so well huh" She respond

"Sanzu used to tell me about you, w-wait are you following me?" I asked again

"My brother told me to look for you" She sat as she said

"Why would he-" I was distracted by a loud shout

"Y/N!" Sanzu scandalously shouts

"Sanzu? What are you doing?" I said

"Oh my precious Y/n where have you been? Are you hurt? Did the guy approach you touched you? I swear I'll that person" He holds my two shoulder really worried

"Aww I'd really love to see the baby when it comes about, but seems like I'm gonna be dead before that happen" Senju turn around to us

"Senju? Why are you here?" He asked

"Bitch? You told me to look for her didn't you?" Senju said

"Yeah I clearly said "Look for her" but not scare her you fcking brat" Sanzu said

"W-wa-wait what? Baby? Huh?" I faked my curiosity

"What? Haha baby? Who? You or Me?" Sanzu acted like innocent

"Eh? Didn't-?" Senju saw her brother looking at her signing a signal to lie

"Ah the baby oh that was Takeomi, yeah big bro he's having a baby, who wouldn't want to see his baby right? Haha silly" Senju starts to sweat

"Anyway are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine, but can we please go home? I'll just pay for ny order and eat it at home I'm really tired" I said

"Oh ok you go in the car I'll just tell Senju to wait for your order and let her pay" Sanzu said

"Ok I'll go now my head really hurts" I walked out

When I walked out Sanzu walk towards Senju so so mad and wanted to punch someone.

"Senju Akashi!! Why would you scare her!! You know that she's pregnant you stupid cow!!" Sanzu crossed his arms

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that I just wanted to surprise her didn't know she would be scared" Senju said

*Sigh* "I'll go now, pay her bills and bring the food to the hideout she's stressing right now and I cannot let her be since she's carrying my child" Sanzu said

"Just go now she's waiting for you dummy, don't let a pregnant woman wait" She replied

"Ok bye, take care. . Hey! Here's a reminder don't let her know that we know that she's pregnant, let's just wait for her to say it" He said

"I know, I know bye gosh" She pushed her brother away

Sanzu went out and left Senju in the restaurant with the commands and reminder he told her and went to Y/n to accompany her.

"Oh I won't let her know, but someone else will"

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