Chapter 11

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"Come on, mom! I don't want to be late!" I've been screaming for twenty-five minutes but my mom doesn't seem as stressed as I am.
"I'm still choosing my shoes, can't you just wait a second?"
My dad comes down the stairs and sits on the couch.
"Remember me again, why did your friend ask you to bring clothes?" I roll my eyes to my dad.
"Because I'm going to have a sleepover!" Last night Autumn texted me. She asked me if I wanted to have a sleepover with her, and I obviously said yes! I've never had an actual girl-like sleepover. If sleeping in a stranger's house with your best friend when you were drunk counts, then I think I had a few of those.
"I don't get why people sleep in each other's houses." It's my dad's turn to roll his eyes.
"To have fun once in a while." I explain. "Since I don't have any siblings to share my bedtime with."
"Ok, I'm ready!" My mom comes down the stairs in a beautiful mint-green dress. She really wants to make a good impression.
I'm not standing behind her either. I'm wearing a black and white striped turtle-neck and a black skirt, my makeup is neutral (and more on the natural side) and my hair was brushed for the first time in two months. I'm kidding. Or maybe I'm not.
"Come on, get in the car!" My mom grabs the cheesecake she bought for the occasion and my dad runs to get his car keys.
When we get there my parents have to hold a "wow". It's impressive for them, it was impressive for me. The doorbell rings and the usual light footsteps don't come to the door.
The door opens and a tall and strong man is our welcoming person. I bet his personal trainer is a bodybuilder! He has black hair and blue eyes. Probably a man you would see in a cologne commercial.
"Hello! You must be Twyla's parents!" Both my parents shake his hand. His smile is wide open. "And you must be Twyla!" I was getting ready for a hand shake, I got a really strong hug instead, like I was his daughter or something. "Come on in! Make yourselves at home!"
He gives us space to come in and the door closes behind us. A woman is cooking in the kitchen and Autumn is getting the table ready. She gives me a warm smile and goes in my parents direction.
"Good evening! You must be Twyla's parents!" She smiles at my parents. "Nice to meet you!" My mom looks delighted to see her. She's dressed like a porcelain doll in a simple outfit. My dad, on the other hand, looks... something. Surprised? Shocked? I can't tell!
He kisses both her cheeks and so does my mom. The woman finally leaves the stove and walks towards us.
"Good evening, I'm Autumn's mom!" Autumn's mom has dirty-blond hair (which gives her a more serious look) and caramel eyes. She also shakes my parent's hands and gives me a hug. Her hug is warm and light. "Let's sit, shall we?"
She guides us to the table between the couches and the kitchen. The table is decorated with mint-green and grey tones. My mom did make an impression... Using the same colors as the table.
"Where should I leave this?" I point to my backpack, packed with clothes and personal items.
"You can put it in my room. Leave it to me." Autumn grabs my backpack while I feel bad for making her carry my stuff to her upstairs bedroom. She eventually comes downstairs and when she sits next to her parents I finally see: she doesn't look like them.
I mean, in anything! She's not blonde or brunette, she doesn't have blue or caramel eyes, she's not a bodybuilder, or a doctor or a lawyer. She likes reading, tea, vintage coffee shops, frongs, mushrooms and sunflowers.
I decided not to say anything. Not until we're alone.
Dinner was pretty fun, more than I expected! My father talked a lot about fake news with Autumn's father and my mom constantly complimented the dishes Autumn's mom prepared. They also talked about what we did when we were babies. My mom winked at me when she didn't reveal anything embarrassing, when I knew she could. We finished dinner at the big table in the backyard (not the one we drank tea on, the barbecue one), with a cup of mint tea and the red fruit's cheesecake my mom bought.
The night was calm and warm, we could hear the crickets and we could see the stars in the sky. I held hands with Autumn when no one was watching. My heart was racing and my chest was burning.
I wished we could hold hands forever.
My parent's time here came (finally) to an end! My mom kissed me and told me to behave. Then, both left and I'm finally alone with her.
"Well, kids, me and Autumn's mom are going to sleep. Just try not to be too loud because of the neighbours, okay?" Autumn's dad has his arm around his wife's neck. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!
"Okay, don't worry! We won't stay up late." Autumn answered. We followed her parents upstairs and then we got into her room.
Autumn gets in her bedroom's bathroom and I take my sleeping clothes (you all already know I'm not a pajama person, I'm a t-shirt and PE shorts person) out of my backpack. When she comes out, she's wearing a really cute summer pajama with a simple sunflower drawing.
There's no words between us, I know what I have to do. I enter the bathroom and close the door (I don't lock it, hoping Autumn will come in) and change my clothes.
"Okay, I'm done!" She opens the door and both of us brush our teeth. I also help her brush her hair and make a braid. «I loved the braids you made back when we went to the party.» That was her excuse.
"Where am I going to sleep? Do you have a mattress under your bed?" Autumn starts laughing like it was the funniest joke ever! I look at her, confused.
"You're going to sleep on my bed, silly."
"And where do you sleep?" Now we both look confused.
"Also on my bed...!?" All the heat in my body is focused on my cheeks.
"Oh, sorry! I thought you..."
"It's okay, Twyla." She gently cuts me off. "If you're uncomfortable, you can always sleep in the guest's room." I think for some seconds, making a pro and con list of everything:
1. I get to sleep with Autumn.
2. I can (maybe) cuddle her.
3. I have the opportunity to smell her all night long.
4. I get to sleep with Autumn (yes, this is a BIG DEAL).

Peach & Lemonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें