DAY 20

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Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had been so tired by the events of the last two weeks that they had fallen asleep almost immediately after the movers had left their apartment. They had only taken a short while to admire their new couch. They had been a little disappointed that they could not use it right away, but it was fine. There was no rush now.

This whole ordeal was finally over. The only reminders were the couch itself and the hole in the ceiling which they would need to fix.

In the morning of the next day, they both got up from the bed and without even changing out from their pyjamas, they immediately went to the living room to look at their new couch. It really was a perfect fit after all. The colour and the size were both perfect. Yesterday, the movers had demonstrated for them how to adjust the head and hand rests and how to open the couch to access the storage space. They had even showed them how to make the couch into a bed while pulling out the sleeping compartment. It truly was perfect.

This time, it was both of them who turned towards each other at the same time. They both opened their arms and hugged their lover. They were happy that they had managed to get the couch at last, even if it truly had been an ordeal and it had stressed them out greatly, the couch was worth it. The apartment which they had bought more than a year prior now finally felt like a true home.

Although they would still have to put all the other furniture to their places and see if the rabbits' enclosure could actually be put back to the living room. Those could wait at least a little bit. Now, they were both enamoured by the couch and could not care less about anything else.

After a long time, when they had done enough hugging and kissing and could now describe the new piece of furniture to great detail, they separated. It was time for work at this hour. Though they had agreed to start moving everything during their lunch break so there would be enough time for them to enjoy the couch in the evening. They could both already see themselves snuggled against each other and watching a movie.


Luckily, the evening came faster than they had expected it. The whole day, every second they had free, they would come and look at their couch, still being hardly able to believe that they finally had it in their living room. Wei Wuxian had even moved his working station to the kitchen area for today to be able to see it at all times.

He was overjoyed and could not stop grinning. When Lan Wangji saw that, he could only smile in turn. They both could not wait for the business hours to be over so they could finally enjoy their couch to the fullest.

They closed their laptops at the same time when 5PM came. They got up and came in front of the couch. They hesitated for an entire minute, still incapable of believing that they were about to finally sit on the furniture. They wondered how it would feel since they had not had an opportunity to try it out before. But they were not worried, everything would surely be fine.

They kissed each other chastely and sat down at the same time. Just as they had expected, the couch was extremely comfortable. They leaned back and buried themselves into it completely. Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian who once again seemed on the verge of tears, happy tears this time.

Yes, everything was finally good, they had their home and they had each other. What else could anyone wish for?


When evening came and they had finished with their dinner, they went to the couch once more. They had already spent one hour just sitting on it, kissing and enjoying the comfortable feeling which their previous couch – folded cardboard boxes – could never offer.

They had already measured the empty space next to the couch and discovered with glee that it was indeed large enough to move the rabbits' enclosure back to the living room. They had not hesitated and had done so immediately. They loved to be able to sin on the new couch and watch how their furry pets were curiously exploring the cage.

Now however, it was time for them to enjoy each other's company and to finally fulfil their dream of relaxing on the couch while watching a movie.

It was a special occasion so they had even prepared some snacks and there was a bottle of wine for Wei Wuxian to enjoy. Lan Wangji would not touch it but it did not mean that his aversion should hinder his lover in getting pleasantly drunk whenever he wanted. It was not like Wei Wuxian was an alcoholic or anything, he only ever drunk to get in a pleasant mood and Lan Wangji actually secretly – or perhaps not so much so after all – liked to see him that way.

They had dimmed the main lights into a romantic and kind of mysterious semi-darkness which would accentuate the atmosphere. They prepared everything, they would not have to get up in the middle of the movie for anything. A blanket was also waiting folded on the couch so they would be able to snuggle under it. Everything was perfect and the only thing remaining was to sit down and enjoy.

Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's hand and they both watched the prepared piece of paradise together for several minutes. Then, Lan Wangji had to gulp before opening his mouth and inviting his lover with clear intentions: "Wei Ying, come."

Wei Wuxian laughed in glee and he immediately kissed his lover. They both turned to the couch and almost religiously sat down. Lan Wangji covered them with the blanket, putting a class of wine into Wei Wuxian's hand. His lover was seated in a way that almost his whole weight was supported by Lan Wangji's chest, half sitting half laying down, not that Lan Wangji minded really. This was actually the special position he had been dreaming of.

Lan Wangji then put the remote control for the TV into Wei Wuxian's hand. He did not mind what kind of movie his lover would choose; he knew he would be paying attention to other things the whole time. Nothing could be as enjoyable as having Wei Wuxian lean on him and being able to touch him all he wanted. Needless to say, Wei Wuxian's own thoughts were running in the same direction. They were truly happy.

Well, this was my personal not so smooth experience with buying a new couch after moving into a new apartment. I hope you had, or will have if it will only come in the future, better luck. I would not wish this to anyone.

Thank you for reading this. I just had to get it out there for someone to listen to my story when the furniture store would not. I have put there an official complaint too but no one had ever contacted me after that. Well, so much for customer service...

I hope the story had not been too disturbing or boring for you. Once again, thank you for reading :)

If you have any experience you want to share, I would be happy to listen to you in turn. It really helps to let it all out :)

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