DAY 16

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It was exactly 9AM when Lan Wangji's mobile phone rang. He had already switched on his work computer and was now slightly irritated by the disturbance. However, that was only until he remembered that someone from the furniture store should be calling today and he could immediately say that indeed, the number displayed was that of the shop assistant he already saved.

He took his phone into his hand, glanced at the empty space where the couch should have already been – it had taken the movers two more hours to take the furniture away again and depart – and he was on his way to his lover's study. They had agreed that they would do this together lest one of them would get too irritated and would behave improperly. Although, Lan Wangji was still convinced that they had every right to be after what they had already gone through.

He did not wait for Wei Wuxian to invite him in when he knocked on his study's door. He only gave his lover a meaningful look and he picked up the call, switching the phone to loud speaker mode. Wei Wuxian was immediately at his side, his expression stern and tense.

"Good morning," came the shop assistant's voice from the other side of the line. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian did not even have time to greet back when the person continued: "I have understood from our workers that you have refused to accept the delivery and had sent the couch back. Can I ask what was the problem?"

If Lan Wangji did not have such good control of his emotions and expression at this moment, his mouth would have come open with surprise right then. He could not believe the shop assistant had asked such a question when the fault for the refusal was actually on their side. Had the movers not informed him about what had happened?

He saw Wei Wuxian tense by his side and grab at his sleeve. His lover was apparently still heartbroken from the events but it did not keep him from steeling himself and explaining with perfectly guarded and emotionless tone, saying only the most important and not complaining: "We have refused to accept the delivery yesterday because when the couch had been installed in our living room, we have found out that it was not the model we have ordered. It was the opposite corner variant which did not fit into the room. The movers had checked the order and they had verified that the item delivered was not the purchased one." A short pause and a deep breath later, Wei Wuxian added: "They have also damaged the ceiling in the process of moving."

The shop assistant was quiet for a long moment, so long in fact that Wei Wuxian had already started wondering if he was still there and the call did not get cut. Luckily, it was not the case: "I see, I understand. I am sorry for this. I will double check with our people for the damage they had caused and reimburse you accordingly.

As for the incorrect item being delivered," taping on a keyboard could be heard before the shop assistant continued, "we have the correct variant in out shop. We can deliver it to you on Monday. Would that be acceptable for you? What time would you prefer?"

Wei Wuxian's expression was still icy and he wanted to say so much to the shop assistant, it was hard for him to hold back. He looked at Lan Wangji with plea in his eyes, he did not feel like he could do this anymore. He was too enraged and disappointed in the furniture store that he was seriously thinking about not getting the couch anymore.

They could live without it, they had actually done so for more than a year and they had been just fine. Perhaps it was not a couch they needed in their living room. Perhaps it was just him who was clinging to some clichéd idea about a comfortable and warm home. Surely not everyone had a couch and maybe they could be also ones in that group.

His sad musing was interrupted by Lan Wangji who had heard out his plea and replied to the shop assistant's question: "That would be fine. At 5PM if possible."

Some more noises of writing on a keyboard and then that person on the other side of the line reassured them: "Certainly. I will put your delivery with priority." There was a short pause again before the shop assistant continued this time: "As for the reimbursement for the damaged ceiling, I have just checked with our people and I can propose to you to deduct the price of delivery and moving from yesterday's order."

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian looked at each other in utter shock. They were completely speechless as they could not believe what they had just heard. Could it be possible that they had misunderstood? Surely they must have. It could not be that the shop had actually wanted to let them pay for the delivery of an item they themselves had made a mistake about. Not even talking about wasting their time with the moving and the damages which had been made.

Before they could protest however, or react in any other way really, the shop assistant was already ending the call: "Well then, everything is settled. Once again, I am sorry for all the trouble. You can expect the delivery of the right item on Monday at 5PM. Our movers will call you to let you know when they will leave the shop. Have a good day."

The line went mute but Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were still staring at each other with wide eyes. They were slowly processing the shop assistant's words. It seemed like not only would they not be reimbursed properly for the furniture store's mistake; they would even have to go through everything again with the new couch.

More than anything at the moment, Wei Wuxian was tired and resigned. He did not want to argue anymore. It was fine if they would have to pay a little more, the most important was that they would be getting their couch after all, even if it was Friday now so they would have to go without it for the whole weekend still. But it was fine; he had no more energy to deal with this, he just wanted it to be over.

He looked at Lan Wangji and saw that his lover apparently did not share his sentiment. Lan Wangji's usually expressionless face was now clearly showing his rage, something rare that Wei Wuxian had only seen a handful of times. It was righteous anger he knew, but still, it would not serve anything but to annoy them even further if they would decide to dig deeper into this and try to cause a scene. If something like that was possible via phone, that was.

He patted his lover's forearm and tried to smile at him which he failed at miserably. He could tell that it was just a small and sad excuse of his usual worry-free grin, but it was all that he could manage at the moment.

"Lan Zhan, just let it go. We will get the couch on Monday and then we will just forget about this." Wei Wuxian tried to reason; or more like begged actually, he really wanted all of this to be over already and forget it had even happened.

Lan Wangji opened his mouth, still looking ready to argue. Wei Wuxian sighed, it had been enough he had to deal with the shop assistant, and now his lover wanted to be difficult as well? He closed his eyes and tried to collect himself in preparation for the conversation ahead.

When Lan Wangji saw how deeply Wei Wuxian had been affected by the events, he just closed his mouth again and did his best to contain his anger and disappointment. It was pointless to start arguing with his lover over this. Instead, they should look ahead and forget once they would actually have their couch. He could do that for Wei Wuxian, or at least he could try, he was not sure he could forget and forgive as easily as his lover.

He gave the other a small kiss on the lips, making Wei Wuxian look at him in surprise. "Let us just concentrate on our work today. It is pointless to make this more difficult than it already is."

Wei Wuxian's lips now parted in a real smile – still small but better than the one he had managed before – and he kissed his lover back after a grateful nod.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan." Then, Wei Wuxian turned towards his computer which had started beeping in the meantime, indicating that someone wanted to speak with him. He did his best to concentrate and pushed the call button, barely registering anymore that Lan Wangji had left his study to start working as well.

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