chapter 5

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It was Halloween day. God, I was excited to show off my costume. Jessica and I were planning to match and our first thought was to both dress up as angels but we felt like everyone would go something like that. So, Jessica decided to go as Willy Wonka and I, on the other hand, went as the joker.

The party didn't start until 6 pm so we had plenty of time to get ready.

Jessica and I were out eating breakfast. It was such a peaceful morning. The sun was out and it was silent that only the sound of nature could be heard. This was quickly interrupted a few seconds later by a ringtone, which happened to be mine.

Sophia: Hello?

Chris: Hi Sophia.

Sophia: Chris?

Chris: Yes, I am so sorry to bother you.

Sophia: No you're okay. What's up?

Chris: Sarah had given me the responsibility of organising the costumes for the party and it's not going so good.

Sophia: Where is she? Why isn't she helping you?

Chris: Work.

Sophia: Of course. Are you having trouble with finding costume ideas or trouble with not being able to find any in-store?

Chris: The costume ideas.

Sophia: I'm having breakfast at the moment. I'll come over in 30 minutes.

Chris: You're a saviour.

Sophia: I know right, aren't I? Alright, I'll see you later.

Chris: See you.

I end the phone call. God, Sarah and her work again. She can't take a break. If this keeps happening, she'll lose her fucking boyfriend, I can bet on it right now. I didn't have to tell Jessica what happened, she already knew when she overheard the conversation.

"Want to come with?" I ask.

"I would if I could. I've got this family thing at my parent's house so" she replies.

I simply nod my head. Jessica's cousin was picking her up so I didn't need to worry about if I needed to drive her or not.

We had stayed chatting and finished off our meals before we both had to go separate ways.


I arrived at Sarah's place. With Sarah at work, it was just Chris and I, once again.

I ring the apartment number so Chris would let me in. I suddenly hear the door click meaning he had unlocked it.

"Your saviour is here," I say, walking inside the apartment.

"Thank you so much. I was struggling" he says.

"It's alright, I have ideas. Okay, so my first one is the matching Devil costume, the criminal and cop costume or the two pirates costume" I say, listing the ideas I had in mind.

"I like the idea of the pirate costume," he says.

"Sounds good. We can go look for the costumes first and then we'll use Sarah's makeup to create that pirate look" I say.

"I'll be driving, thank you very much," he says, snatching the keys from my hands.

"Hey! It's my car" I answer.

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