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"Classmates, say something well." The housekeeper advised, "No matter if there is a dispute or fight, it can solve the problem."

"This is the first time I've seen such a fierce thief, monitor. Are you amazing?" Zheng Peipei deliberately humiliated him.

"You..." Lan Xiaoqiu's face turned white and red.

The atmosphere was tense again. The staff said, "Don't quarrel anymore. No matter how noisy you quarrel, all points will be deducted. Go to your head teacher tomorrow to make things clear. We will keep this bracelet for the time being.

Gu Siyi took Zheng Peipei's hand and persuaded, "Forget it, there is no result of no quarreling now. Don't let others watch the fun."

The bedroom outdoors have been surrounded by people on the inside and outside the third floor to watch gossip.

Zheng Peipei snorted and gave Lan Xiaoqiu a white look.

Because of this conflict, the housekeepers were afraid that they would fight again at night, so they temporarily changed Lan Xiaoqiu and other dormitory classmates to rest.

The next morning reading, Gu Siyi, Zheng Peipei, Lan Xiaoqiu and Xu Lin were called to the office, and the bracelet was on the head teacher's desk.

Zheng Peipei said, "Gu Siyi dropped the bracelet in the dormitory two days ago. Last night, Xu Lin found that Lan Xiaoqiu had an identical bracelet there. Before that, she had never worn a bracelet. Gu Siyi wore a bracelet in her hand every day. Lan Xiaoqiu said that she bought it herself, but she didn't show any evidence to prove herself.

Lan Xiaoqiu: "You keep saying that I stole, slandering me and wanting me to prove myself. Why?"

"Why?" Zheng Peipei sneered, "You have a guilty conscience and can't produce evidence."

"Zheng Peipei, don't talk yet." The head teacher stopped Zheng Peipei, looked at Gu Siyi, and asked, "Is this bracelet exactly the same as the one you fell?"

Gu Siyi said objectively, "It's the same, but I later had another bead. This string didn't."

Zheng Peipei immediately answered, "Teacher, this bracelet is flexible. Lan Xiaoqiu can take one and throw it away."

Lan Xiaoqiu was unwilling to be outdone: "Zheng Peipei, you are all subjective assumptions! A word to splash dirty water on me!"

The head teacher had a headache, "Zheng Peipei, I didn't ask you. Don't open your mouth."

Lan Xiaoqiu looked at the head teacher, her cheeks turned red, full of angry grievances, "Teacher, I swear I didn't steal Gu Siyi's bracelet. It's not that I can't afford it. Why do you steal something? I bought it like her bracelet because I thought she looked good. I didn't wear it because she kept wearing it. I don't want to be similar. I bought it and put it in the dormitory as a decoration. Is that wrong?"

The head teacher had personal friends with Lan Xiaoqiu's parents and knew her family situation. She really doesn't need it.

Zheng Peipei said strangely, "Some people steal things not because they can't afford it, but because they are abnormal in their hearts, such as not seeing other people's good things."

"Zheng Peipei, can't you say a few words less?" The head teacher increased his tone.

Zheng Peipei didn't bring anything. He just went back directly. "Teacher, you can shut up if you want me. But if you believe in Lan Xiaoqiu's innocence because of her one-sided words, I can't accept her. I only authenticate the evidence."

Zheng Peipei was so strong that Gu Siyi didn't want to admit his cowardice and said, "Teacher, I've been sad about losing things for several days, and I don't want to wrong my classmates, so I hope she can show evidence to avoid everyone's groundless speculation."

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