🥀 Chapter 8 - Back to hell

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I woke up feeling very tired, the same tiredness from earlier. My head hurt a bit and everything was spinning. I slowly collected myself and realized that I was probably in some vehicle. "Maybe a car" I murmured. The vehicle suddenly stopped quite suddenly making me hit my head against something. "shit" I cursed as a sharp pain dashed through my head. The door of the vehicle was opened and I saw that it was dark outside. I suddenly was picked up by someone and thrown out of the vehicle hitting the concrete ground hard. Two other people were also thrown out groaning at the pain of hitting the floor. I could now see the vehicle "A van" I murmured seeing the pink guards from the games enter the van and close the doors. As soon as the door closed they drove off, leaving us behind in the middle of nowhere. 

"Help, there's a person here" I heard one of the two people lying next to me scream. I recognized the voice "Players 456" I murmured. I looked around and realized I was almost naked. I looked for my clothes in shock, finding them about a meter away from me pilled on top of each other mixed with other clothes. 

"Is anyone there? over here!" he shouted again louder this time.  "Will you shut up!" a female voice yelled, me recognizing the voice at once. "Saebyeok.." I looked around and saw the man struggling as his eyes were covered. Both my feet and wrists were tied together and the same for the other two. I tried biting the string that pressed my wrists against each other but failed as it was tied strongly around my hands. I then saw a piece of broken glass lying not far from me on the concrete floor. I slowly moved towards it and tried to cut through the string by placings it on the sharp side of the glass piece. It took a few tried until it finally separated the string from my wrists. I sighed in relief and quickly untied my feet, rushing to get my clothes as it was freezing outside. I saw the two arguing as the man begged her to untie him. "Whatever" I murmured as I put on shoes and left, walking along the streets not having a clue of where I was going. 

I walked and walked following the road until I finally saw some buildings in the distance. "Finally!" I exclaimed as I was quite tired and wanted to sleep. I ended up in a city type of surrounding packed with people walking in all kinds of directions. 

I walked around for another 30 minutes until I found a quiet alleyway. I had no idea where I was but I decided that this would be the place where I would be sleeping tonight. I sat down on the cold ground looking for my jacked but remembered that I didn't have one. I was in the same clothes from before, when I was on the streets before joining the games, and remembered where my jacked had ended up at. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the cold wind that was whistling through the alley making me shiver from time to time. 

I suddenly heard some footsteps which seemed to come closer and closer towards me. 

I opened my eyes and saw a tall man walk up to me. He looked familiar but I couldn't tell why. "Wow I didn't expect to see you again!" the man said in surprise scratching his neck. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked confused looking at him trying to recognize him. "Oh yea, I didn't introduce myself to you the last time we met," he said embarrassed. "I'm Hwang jun-ho" he introduced himself taking out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand still confused " I'm Hyejin" I replied shaking his hand. "Oh btw here is your jacket," he said handing me a leather jacket "Thank you so much for giving it to me back then. I'm very thankful". I suddenly recognized the man remembering what had happened. I was surprised that I even still remembered as I usually forgot such incidents easily as I didn't focus on others that much. "No problem," I said smiling slightly taking the jacket from him. 

"You look hungry, want to go out for something to eat," he asked looking at me, worry showing in his eyes. I looked at the ground unsure of what I should do as I had no money to pay for any sort of food. "I'm sorry I don't have money," I said trying my best to not sound sad as I just wanted to enjoy some good food without having to worry about money. "Take it as a thank you from me for the jacket," he said as if he read my thoughts. "Alright," I said surprised at myself as I was normally not like this to strangers. I had trust issues due to past experiences and didn't talk to strangers at all. "why did I say yes?" I asked myself questioning my unusual behavior. 

"Let's go then!" said Jun-ho motioning me to follow him. I couldn't explain why but it felt somehow right that I said yes but I didn't know why. I followed him through many alleyways until we reached a more busy area of the city I had found myself in. "Here we are!" he said cheerfully pointing towards a restaurant opposite us which to my surprise looked quite expensive. "Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked him confused as I had said to him earlier that I had no money to pay him. "Yep, don't worry about the money it's my treat," he said entering the restaurant me following him not able to say a single word. 

The restaurant was cozily decorated with plants, cozy lamps, and paintings while the delicious smell of food hung in the air. "Here is your table sir," said the waiter giving us a table next to a window before walking away. "Have a seat" Jun-ho said smiling finally taking off the black mask that covered his face. I finally saw his full face as I had only seen him with a face mask till now. 

My breath hitched in my throat as I realized how attractive he was now that I saw his full face. His jawline was perfect and his smile was contagious making me smile at once. His eyes intimidated me from the very start but I didn't know why.

 I must have stared at him for quite a while as he waved his hand in front of my face making me snap out of my thoughts at once.

 "Uh sorry I was thinking of what to order," I said lying trying my best to look embarrassed. "Oh haha, no problem," he said laughing giving me the menu. "I'll just order the Bulgogi, number 13 if that's okay with you," he asked giving me a questioning look. "Oh sure, I'm fine with anything," I said as I didn't mind at all. 

He ordered the food and some drinks, making sure that I was okay with the food choice. "He's so thoughtful" I murmured as I hadn't been out with someone in a while, not used to such gestures. We talked for a while until the food came looking amazingly delicious. 

I looked at the food in surprise as I hadn't had such a feast in a while. "You okay?" he said giggling as he saw my expression. We started eating talking in between having a great time. He told me about his brother who had gone missing not long ago. "I'm sorry," I said as I could hear the sadness in his voice as he talked about his brother. "it's alright, someday ill find him," he said giving me a weak smile. 

We continued talking for hours until we had finished all dishes and drinks. "The bill please," he asked the waiter getting his wallet out to pay. "I'm really sorry I can't pay at least half," I said embarrassed as I felt really uncomfortable letting him pay for such expensive food. "I said it's my treat!" he said giving me a smile as he paid the bill. I got up and put on my jacket taking one last look at the cozy restaurant I was in. "I hope you enjoyed the food," he said while we walked through the now empty streets of the city. "Yea, it was great thank you again!" I thanked him earning a nod in return. "well I have to go now as I have to visit the police station. It was nice having dinner with you" he said giving me an apologetic smile before walking off. "Bye!" I said as we went our separate ways me back to my life in the streets. 

"Back to hell" I sighed looking for a place to sleep for the night. I walked and walked until I found an empty bench in a quiet park. "This should do" I murmured trying to get comfortable. "even the beds over there were more comfortable than this," I thought as the bench really wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep on. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep as I was quite exhausted. 


short A/n:

Hello everyone! another chapter done :) exams are almost over so ill be updating more regularly soon!! word count for this chapter is 1566 words as always excluding the a/n. Hope you guys are doing alright and thanks a lot for 4k reads <3 Have a nice day/ evening or afternoon and see you guys in the next chapter ^^ 


- Darcy 🦑


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