🥀 Chapter 2 - A new friend?

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The cold wind makes her shiver like crazy waking her up for the now 3rd time. She had begun to regret giving away her jacket as it was a gift from her grandmother, the only family member who appreciated her existence. She was about to close her eyes once again for the fourth time now when a ball flew directly at her, hitting her hip with a huge amount of force. "Shit" she exclaimed grinding her teeth at the pain, as it had hit a healing wound that she had gotten from a fight with her mother. Her mother had always let out her anger on her, beating and verbally abusing her horribly. She had no choice but to bear with it for all those years she stayed with her.  Two young boys rushed to her apologizing over and over again. They were the owner of the ball and had accidentally hit her. "It's alright, don't worry" she assured them "It was only an accident".  

She suddenly heard some loud yelling not far away from where she was sitting and went to see what was going on. 

Two people were fighting each other, one already bleeding from their nose. A quite fierce-looking guy with dark black hair was yelling loudly at a girl who looked like she was in her 20s. he was strong and muscular and had a very aggressive expression on his face making the crowd step backward every time he moved. A big crowd had formed around them watching as the two launched at each other while yelling and swearing. The crowd cheered as the girl was kicked to the ground as the man laughed in disgust. He yelled loudly declaring victory gathering the rest of his gangmates to leave. 

He was about to leave when the girl attacked him from the back earning a loud "Ohhh" cheer from the crowd. He tried his best to get her off but failed as she started strangling him. He suddenly lost his balance, falling to the floor giving the girl an opportunity to pin him down making it impossible for him to move. "Get off me you bastard" He yelled but was pushed down hard by the girl's strong grip holding his arms behind his back. In less than a minute the girl had searched through the man's jacket, checking his pockets thoroughly. 

"You bastard, I knew you stole my money"  shouted the girl taking a stack of money from the man's pocket, waving it in front of his face.  He tried to grab it back only to receive the girl's fist in his face, making him fall to the ground with a loud thud. "Nice try fool" she spat watching as he struggled to get back up, still shocked from the powerful hit to his face. She slowly walked backward making the crowd that had formed around them do the same, obviously scared of the underestimated strength the girl had shown. 

She had short black hair, messy from the fight, sweat running down her pale skin. Her dark hazel eyes and plumb lips caught the attention of many men in the crowd only to receive a death glare from her.  She had a cut on her left cheek as well as bruises showing that she definitely should not be underestimated.

 She smirked as a few of the big guy's gangmates walked towards her trying to scare her away but with no success. It just took her a few punches to send them all flying onto each other.  Another 'woww" was heard from the crows as she cleaned herself from all the mud and dirt that had gotten on her clothes. 

A few young men made their way towards her trying flirty words to get her attention. "Hello there gorgeous," said one of them giving her a flirty wink. She just walked straight past them, ignoring their begs to give them her number amusing herself over the pathetic behavior. 

The crowd dissolved as the fight was over leaving the men still struggling on the floor. She stuffed the money in her pocket and walked off, happy with her performance.

 She was about to leave when a girl offered her a bandaid, the girl from the crowd. her hip had now stopped hurting and she was able to walk properly again. "I don't take things from strangers," she said with a cold tone pushing her hand away. "okay then, just know that I did it out of kindness" she replied going back to her corner, making herself comfortable once again. She placed the 3 cans of beer she had bought next to her and opened one taking a huge sip before leaning back against the wall. She girl from before suddenly walked towards her sitting beside her "U seem pretty chill I guess, I'll join you". "Oh sure, some company would be great out here". 

"Sae-byeok" the girl introduced herself running her hand through her damp hair and taking a can and opening it with a click. "Hyejin, nice to meet you".  

They looked at the sky covered in bright stars with the beautiful full moon taking a sip from their beer. "So what brings you here, on the streets?" she asked still looking at the sky. "Well my mom kicked me out again so I'm back on the streets I guess," she said trying to laugh it off as she felt tears pooling in her eyes. "What about you?" 

"I don't really talk about my personal life to others" she shrugs "Can't trust anyone". 

As she got up to light herself a cigarette something fell out of her pocket, Sae-byeok picked it up. "You also played the game didn't you?" she asked surprised. "What game- wait you did as well!?" They looked at each other in surprise as they both held the exact same card in their hands, with even the same number. "did you win a few rounds?" asked Sae-byeok breaking the silence giving her a questioning look. "Yea but it was pretty unexpected, what about you?" she answered putting the money she won earlier in the pocket of her torn jeans.  

"I played 10 rounds and didn't win once" she complained rolling her eyes. 

The sun was starting to rise making them both look back at the sky, admiring the mix of colors that had started to form in the sky. "it was cool hanging out with you but I gtg now" Sae-byeok announced before getting up and walking off throwing the empty beer cans in a nearby bin. "Was nice meeting you" she shouted behind leaning back against the wall in her corner now once again alone. "That was nice," she thought smiling to herself happy at the thought that she had found a new friend so quickly. 

Her stomach began to rumble as she was indeed quite hungry. "With all the money I won that shouldn't be a problem she thought remembering the strange but lucky encounter with the man at the subway. 

She reached in her pockets only to find them empty. 

Confused she checked the pockets of her jeans 2 more times only to have the same result.

"What the-"


Short A/n 

Helloo guyss, how are you :) First of all, thank you for the 307 reads this book got in less than 2 days I'm so happy T-T also thank you for the 15 votes I honestly wasn't expecting that. I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit messy because my mind was kind of blank while writing this. I tried taking breaks and stuff but it didn't help ;-; Well the word count for this chapter still made it to 1198 (Without the A/n) so I'm very happy about that! I promise the next chapter will be more interesting though T-T Hope you guys have a nice Day/Evening or Afternoon and thanks again for all the support!!! <3

Byeee :)

- Squidgamebooks 🦑


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