"Do they hate me?"

"They hate me for overreacting."

"But you didn't."

"They don't seem to think so."

"Can you fix it?"

"I can try."

I sighed and pushed Vinnie down on the bed, climbing on top of him. Using his chest as a pillow I fumbled for a blanket and pulled it over us, trying to stay as comfortable as possible.

I was in the kitchen getting a snack when Calvin decided to scare me. I dropped my bowl of chips and swore. Loudly.

"Max?" Vinnie yelled, rushing down the stairs.

"I'm fine." I said, bending down to collect my chips. "Calvin's just being an asswipe."

"Hey, that's rude."

"Fuck off." I gave him the finger and Vinnie sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"You guys are going to kill me." He mumbled, walking away.

"Make sure I get all the money!" I yelled after him. He laughed and I smiled.

"You guys are cute."

"Shut up Calvin."

"You guys should date. Hashtag Minnie Forever."

I threw the chips away and got myself some more. "I will burn your hair off."

"Ugh and you guys could get matching tats."

"I'm leaving. Goodbye now." I walked away, rolling my eyes

"You guys could even paint each other's nails!" Calvin laughed and I resisted the urge to run back and hit him. He definitely knows we're dating. Scratch that. We're interested in each other. I think everyone knew at this point. After the party it wouldn't make sense if we didn't.

"Vin? You busy?"

"Not really. What's up?" Vinnie paused his game and spun around in his chair to face me.

"I think they know."

Vinnie stiffened. "How could they?"

"You broke a door for me." I raised my eyebrows and Vinnie frowned.

"They won't notice."



"Vinnie we need to figure this out."

"No we don't."

"Vinnie, please. Just give me something to work with. Girlfriend, sex buddy, a hoe you like to keep around, besties for sexual pleasure."

"Max. I'm not giving us a title. We're just two people with mutual interest."

I was shocked. After all this time. After everything that's happened. "You're kidding me."

"Max I'm not arguing about this. Labels are stupid."

"Labels are everything. We need them to survive."

"Bullshit." Vinnie rolled his eyes and I scoffed.

"You're stupid."

"Okay. You're clingy."

"I'm clingy?" I laughed. "Hilarious."

Vinnie grinned. "I know."

"Shut the fuck up. You're not funny."

"Make me. Or don't. It doesn't matter to me." Vinnie stood and glanced at his game before leaving the room, leaving me to sit in shock. He was obviously joking, escaping the previous topic at hand. I'll fucking show him. I set my chips to the side and ran after Vinnie, launching onto his back.

"Oh I'll fucking make you." Vinnie laughed and grabbed into my legs, suddenly running down the stairs. "Vinnie! Oh my god!"

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