Chapter eight

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Cameron remained in a catatonic state when the four of them swan in a community pool. He stared down at the still pool from the lifeguard chair. "Can, why don't you come in here, it's really nice", Sloane suggested, but he remained silent. "Cam, I can flip out real easy too. It's okay. Sooner or later, everybody goes to the zoo".

Then, Cameron let himself fall limply in to the pool and sat at the bottom. Heather leaned forward a bit to look closer and saw him sitting still on the pool floor. Sitting too still. "Cam!", she cried before her and Ferris quickly jumped in to the pool. They both pulled Cameron back up to the surface and Ferris tried to get him to come to. Cameron woke up, giving Ferris a cheeky grin. "What is that?", Ferris asked.

"Ferris Bueller, you're my hero", he said teasingly.

"Jesus", Heather rolled her eyes, lightly hitting his arm.

"You're kidding? Oh, you son of a bitch!", Ferris shoved him in to the water. Then, he playfully knocked Heather and Sloane in the pool, causing them to laugh. Ferris jumped in to the pool and they continued to splash each other.

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