Who's he?

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Nothing to do in a small town nobody really stays and the few that do say if for a simple life. But do to it being small everybody knows everybody and everyone knows something.

Who's dating, who's leaving, getting fired there's always something going around. So when they hear a new place was opening everyone was curious . The day the place was do to open everyone was on the street hoping to see who the owner was.

The open sign was turned on with neon pink lights then the sign sakuras tatt light up in green and pink. It seemed to catch everyone's attention it was cute and new maybe it bring more people to the town. Then the door opened and everyone went quiet as a little moth of pink and black patterns stepped out . They were known by everyone but nobody talks about them yes they are kind and talented in art . But wasn't known for any of that but they were known for going around town asking for favors or for somebody to watch there little sister.

But they never had any thing to pay people back so they would use them self's as payment. So they already had a reputation in the town that nobody talked about but everyone knew.

"Welcome everyone I hope you all come soon I promise you art you'll be proud to show"

They bowled at the crowd then headed back inside and sat down at the main desk and watched as the crowd dispersed most of them seemed to be embarrassed to be there.

They laid back in the chair hearing every thought come and go as little foot steps could be heard in the background .

"Pix" they turned to their left to the little girl beside them "do you think this is going to work?" They sat back up in the chair . They took a deep breath and pulled her to their lap and held her like a new born

"I don't know but I can at least try and I won't stop until I fix everything ok"

So confident with their words that all she could do was to agree with them and enjoy the moment.


It been a while since then the shop wasn't a complete waste of time the few people who were brave to come in left happy with pixel's work. But today nobody seemed to be interested it tattoos today so pixel fell asleep on the desk wall Poppy was spinning in a chair. She at the door bell rang she turned her chair to the door to see a man .

He's tall, slender with very little muscle, pastel blonde hair with faded green tips to match his eyes . Nothing special about his face but his nose looked like it was broken before . Baggy clothes to probably hide his figure there very dull colors but still looked new. He had a long tail that started thicker at the base of his back and got smaller as it went on but it was a vary pretty blue scaled pattern.

"Umm I need a tattoo done"

She seemed to snap out of her thoughts and turned to pixel and tapped their head and they shoot up from the desk.

"Huh oh Umm sorry h-hang a sec"
Pixel said grabbing something from there bag and turned to Poppy.
"G-go wait in the b-back ok?"

They said to Poppy handing her what looked like a phone. She took it and ran off to the back room with a door shutting then pixel turned back to the man.

"S-so Umm Hi I'm pixel I'll be doing your tattoo today so was t-there something you had in mind or where hoping to pick something here?"

They said as the man approached the desk pulling his phone out of his pocket

"I have something specific this but I was hoping you could add to it you know"

Pixel took his phone to get a better look at it. It looked like some Reptile rapped around a ball . They hated doing simple things like this so they took the opportunity to make it look better .

"Ok so I'm thinking sene it's a ball basically I can put it in the center of a flower and hiding in flower is the rest of the the anime any colors " they drawing a mess version of it .

"Oh something that matches my colors if that's ok" he sifted on his feet so nervous it being his first tattoo.

Pixel looked him up and down the turned to a bag full of markers . They picked the colors they needed and started to color the messy drawing. "So were do you want it" they said not looking up at him

"On my upper back closer to the shoulder"

Pixel stoped coloring then handed him the drawing despite it being done so fast it was still nice.

"I it's what you want then please lay down on the table" they pointed at the work table "oh yes it's perfect" he said as headed to the table then sitting down.

"Ok just stay like that and I'll get everything ready" pixel said rolling up their sleeves and pulling up their hair. He notice the little moth had no tattoos of their own hmm and little weird but who is he to judge. Pixel got out all the colors and every different set of needles and that's when it hit the poor guy. He tried his best to calm himself down and pixel put on there gloves but it didn't work

"You just got nervous didn't you?" Pixel said turning to him. He wanted to answer but nothing would come out.

"Ok we can take a minute for you to calm down so take try just talking to me ok"
Pixel said in a calm tone hoping to help.

"Ok well ummm I don't know what to say"

"Well what's your name I never got it"

"Xavier ho I'm Xavier"

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