Dish 5 and Kitten like

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Kenma pov

Early the next morning the moment I finished breakfast I received a message from y/n. 'I'll be at your place in ten minutes be ready for a day of walking, the meals are all ready so when you get hungry we can head over to my place' I smiled and responded a minute later with a simple 'k' Hurrying to get ready I rushed to get dressed and brush out my dyed hair which was in desperate need of more hair dye. My roots were getting really long. 

Once completely dressed with brushed teeth and hair I flew out onto the porch to wait for y/n. The early morning air gave me a surge of energy that I usually didn't feel. I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and noticed out of the corner of my eye a small figure in the distance with h/c walking to the house. Immediately I recognized the blob as my friend. I thanked the air for giving me a bit of energy and confidence, enough to be able to see my entire surroundings without my hair covering most of it. I let the strand of hair fall back to where they normally hung. I went back inside to get a light jacket and by the time I remerged y/n's hand was about to knock on the door and we surprised each other by bumping heads the moment I exited the door. 

"Oh!" she gasped taking a step back. I closed the door behind me and tucked my house key into my pocket. 

"Let's go!" y/n smiled taking me by the arm and leading me around the entire town. I sucked up my misery of walking knowing that once I said I was getting hungry she'd allow us to go back to her place for the meals that she had created for me. 

I thought of everyone on my team and how they'd gotten meals of their own. y/n had sworn them to secrecy of each dish they were given. It all depended on their jersey numbers and personalities. y/n had said when she gathered the team to give them the challenge. 

After another hour of walking I gave up on my legs and sighed sitting down on a nearby bench. 

"Let's go to your place, I'm hungry." I said. Y/n nodded happily, she checked her watch and smiled. 

"Great because some things will be just getting out of the oven. If you hadn't said you were hungry I would've had to call my mother to remove the ap-dish from the oven." she quickly corrected herself on the small slip up. All her meals were a secret to me, or else they wouldn't be a surprise.


I sat down at the kitchen table and y/n rushed around for a little while she got a blindfold and said she had to tie it around my eyes for a bit. I shyly nodded and listened for a few minutes to the sound of my friend or rather my crush rushing around her house trying to prepare things for me. I tried to sniff the air to get a hint at what she was going to be serving me.

Finally y/n took the blindfold off and I was met with the most beautiful sight. Well the most beautiful right after a new video game. The dishes out each with there own utensils, some with chopsticks and others with spoons and forks. My eyes roamed over everything and then landed on her. She smiled and gestured for me to pick which dish I wanted to start with. 

Y/n had changed into a black and red dress that resembled the school colors. I glanced towards the meals and smiled the moment my eyes landed on apple pie. I thought back to the thing in the oven she had almost mentioned the name of. Ap. It must of been the apple pie. I looked at the other dishes. There was a whole cake with the red icing spelling out my name as if it were a birthday cake. I smiled at it and turned to the other meals. There was Miso Soup with tofu shaped to look like the number five. The bowl that was used was red and brown the same shade as the house I had liked. The background of the bowl was red and their were small kittens walking around the bowl that were brown. I liked the small attention to detail. The other dishes were Fried rice with chicken layered in the shape of hearts around the rim. A small green piece of who knows what was laid in the center of the dish making it obvious that it was placed there on purpose. The final dish was two beautifully shaped Curry Pan's. 

"Thank you so much," I managed to say to her. She grinned and then walked over to me with her own pair of chopsticks. 

"I know I made it for you but do you mind If I have one a small piece of cake?" She pondered leaning into my side a bit. I nudged myself closer to her. 

"I don't mind at all." I say cutting a slice for the two of us. As I did this y/n leaned her head on my shoulder and when I quickly glanced at her she had the appearance of a sleepy but content kitten. 

Five Recipes (Kenma x Fem Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin