Dish 4 and Ready Tomorrow

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Kenma pov

A week passed and finally after many days of just playing games. Today both Kuroo and y/n came to drag me out of the house. It was well, awkward. I knew that she liked me and I knew now that I liked her. She stood at the door a soft smile on her face. I smiled shyly back at her. Kuroo shouted into the house alerting my mom that he and y/n were taking me out of the house for a bit. 

"I'm taking your son out for a bit. Don't worry I'll have him back by uh, whenever his socializing energy runs out." Kuroo shouted. I rolled my eyes and y/n laughed a bit.

"Alright thank you Tetsurou make sure Kenma gets fresh air," my mom yelled back. Kuroo nodded to himself and turned to me and y/n with a smile. 

"Alrighty let's go," Kuroo announced pulling me and y/n down the steps to my house. Conversation seemed strained today as if everyone was beginning to know what the other thought was originally a secret. I was walking in between Kuroo and y/n. She was humming some song I was unfamiliar with. Finally, after about five minutes of udder silence I broke it by stopping in my tracks making the others give me curious looks. 

"What's up Kenma?" Kuroo asked. I glanced at him and then moved my eyes over to y/n who seemed to ask the same thing with her eyes. 

"Well I was just wondering, when you'll be done with the meals?" I said looking at y/n. She jumped a bit as though she hadn't been expected me to say something about the food. 

"I'm on the fourth dish. I think that tomorrow I'll have to work on the fifth meal so I'll probably be ready in two or three days then you can come over to have them," she said looking towards the clouds. I nodded and stood there like a statue not knowing what the heck was supposed to do now. Were we supposed to keep walking in the awkward silence was this supposed to make it easier to talk to them? What was supposed to happen. 

Nothing apparently, we stood for about a minute then Kuroo turned beginning to walk again with y/n and me following close behind him. He was grumbling about only getting one dish from y/n once again and the simple words he mumbled under his breath made me smile a bit. 


That day my friends brought me to an arcade where we spent a few hours until I was dying from socializing too much. We went to get food and walked home. 

"By Kenma see you tomorrow!" y/n called to me as I walked into my house shutting the door after giving my two friends a quick wave. 

I stayed cooped up in my room playing video games the rest of the day. Me and Kuroo called for a bit while I was playing one of the new games I had bought online a few days prior. We discussed random things. Our usual topics, Volleyball and Video games had been interrupted with talk of y/n. I tried to explain that I liked her to Kuroo. He didn't need to be told since apparently he already knew.

This time during dinner I actually ate the food presented to me. I received a message while eating from y/n. 

"Kenma no phones at the table during dinner," my mom said giving me the look when I started to pull my phone out of my pocket. I got a glance of the message and looked up at my mom. 

"It's from y/n," I said. She took a bite and sighed. 

"make it quick," she mumbled with rice in her mouth. I nodded and read the message from her and a rush of joy rose in my body.

'I actually had a great idea for the fifth dish so I'm ready for you to come over tomorrow,' I closed my phone with a smile and went back to eating with my mom. She cocked an eyebrow upon seeing me so happy. 

"What's got you so excited?" she wondered. Instead of answering her question I asked one.

"Tomorrow, can I go over to y/n's house?"

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