Six: Unspoken Wishes

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He was hurt and bleeding...and probably...

Hinata couldn't help herself from drifting off to sleep any longer.

This was her limit.

Yet, in her mind, she prayed from the bottom of her heart to all the Gods and spirits that might give her an ounce of mercy in her last moments.

"Please... Please save Naruto-kun...I beg of you..."

The leaves rustled as a gush of wind swept through the air before Kakashi's form emerged from the trees.
He was carrying an exhausted but alive Naruto on his back.

Hinata slowly lifted her head from the ground as she let out a breath of relief and loosened the grip on her clasped fists on her chest. Her pale eyes instantly blurred with tears as her vision raced towards the blonde, blue-eyed ninja who managed to survive and finally return home where the village wholeheartedly celebrated his victory.
She was completely overshadowed by the intense cheering of the villagers for the Hero.
It was definitely a mesmerizing scene.

Naruto had finally overturned his reputation from the lonely and despicable monster to an adored and respected savior. Hinata clenched her fist tighter in her chest as her tears flowed endlessly on her face. She was beaming with gratefulness and pride for the boy who saved her from her dark world.

"Thank goodness. He's alive." Her heart cried out.

For a moment, a desperate part of her wanted to dash across the sea of people welcoming the hero but everything fell out and Hinata froze in her spot for a few good seconds. Her blurred vision catching a glimpse of pink which always reminded her of those breathtaking cherry blossoms.
Sakura confidently strode through the crowd, her pink hair swaying in the wind and her eyes focusing on one person at the end of her path.


There was a moment of silence and everyone watched in utter amazement as Sakura proudly wrapped her arms around Naruto in front of the village. She openly thanked him for saving the village, the people... and she thanked him for coming home alive and well. Sakura just managed to voice out all of Hinata's choked words for the boy.
Sakura was saying she was proud of the ninja as Naruto finally offered back a smile.

His heart overwhelming with happiness.

Hinata knew it, and it broke her heart at the same time. She didn't know why she was suddenly feeling selfish and bitter as the scene in front of her continued. She shouldn't be this negative when everyone around her was busy celebrating.

But she couldn't help it.

Konoha 11 were now tossing Naruto in the air.
Further marking his victory and Hinata couldn't be more proud of him. He had been through a lot. Some of which no one could have ever survived. But he was the Naruto of the Leaf.

And no one could ever take that away from him.

"Hinata-sama." Neji caught her out of her trance as he stood quietly beside her, choosing not to meddle further with the cheering and the celebration. They were standing a few yards from the commotion but nonetheless congratulating the hero.

Hinata must have absentmindedly stared at Sakura's back as the latter participated in tossing Naruto in the air. Neji must have noticed her slight shift after Sakura hugged Naruto and the latter in return.
Hinata brushed away her new set of tears from her cheeks as she turned to her dear cousin and gave him a reassuring smile. Which she clearly failed because her lips trembled at the sight of his worried pale eyes.
He had just given her a lecture a while back after she woke up from death, thanks to Sakura healing her. Hinata knew that Neji was only worried about her after her recklessly stupid act of courage to save Naruto.

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