Todo- "Blood."

Tsuk- "Pardon? Can you explain that?"

Todo- "If he intakes your blood, he can paralyze you. The duration is dependent of your blood type. O is the shortest."

Tsuk- "How do you know that?"

Todo- "Salvare told me."

Tsuk- "We'll get back to that, then. As for you Iida, you may continue."

Iida- "He was fighting Stain for a few minutes, Salvare was losing. He had to protect both me and Native as Stain was trying to get to us. They began to argue, then, Salvare said something that stopped them bith from fighting."

Tsuk- "Do you know what that was?"

Iida- "Pardon me for how ridiculous this may sound, but if I recall correctly it was 'AllMight is an idiot'"

Tsuk- "Understood. Do you know why that sentence is what caused it?"

Iida- "Well, Stain seemed to Idolize AllMight, saying how he was a true hero. Afterwards Salvare took the upper hand, but after a few seconds he was thrown against the wall. He couldn't move, he was paralyzed like me."

Tsukuachi was as worried as he could be. Luckily, he learned how to control his expressions, no matter what he felt. The people brought in could always take advantage of his mental state to get what they pleased, at least the smart ones could. The ability made things that much easier. It was especially useful in situations like this. A cop couldn't be friends with a vigilante, a criminal. 

Iida- "He started to speak. Stain was adamant on his belief, Salvare seemed annoyed? It went as far as him calling the other an idiot."

Tsuk- "He... what?"

Tsukuachi was so stunned he stopped writing for a second. He should have known better. The vigilante was sassy, rude, and firm on what he believed in. He was stubborn. He could get caught up and was  the type to rile up his opponent purposefully, or in this case, on accident. 

Tsuk- "I'm sorry, continue."

Iida- "Yes, well... They began to argue. Back and forth for a few minutes at least. I didn't hear much of the conversation, but I know that it was mainly Salvare speaking. Stain seemed to be contemplating what he was saying. I had began to move as the quirk effect was over. However, my armor clinked and alerted Stain. Just as he was about to attack, Salvare struck first. He yelled at me to take Native and go, and I did. He protected me as I proceeded to help Native up and walk over to the exit with the best of my abilities. Then I ran into Todoroki."

Tsuk- "Alright, now we'll move onto Todoroki. What happened after you found Iida?"

Todo- "I helped them both to a medical center set up near the road from the attacks. Iida explained the situation on the way, by the time we made it, I headed back to the alley."

Tsuk- "Was there a specific reason?"

Todo- "I wanted to help."

Tsuk- "Help who, exactly?"

Todo- "Salvare."




Aizawa wasn't expecting this to be his day. He was at home, supposed to be doing paperwork necessary for his intern. After watching the sports festival, he decided to take Shinso to work with him. He witnessed how the boy lacked any physical ability and only relied on his quirk, the boy had far too much potential to let waste. 

Today was an independent training day. Aizawa had him take one day to do any kind of training for himself, then by tomorrow morning they'd join up and discuss. Aizawa wanted Shinso to look and see his own issues and weak points for himself. The boy would never learn if he was told. Aizawa didn't have that as a hero in training. He didn't have someone to be there to guide him. He had to learn his limits inside and out in order to improve them and use them. He wanted to give the student the opportunities he never had, without taking away the lessons derived from it. 

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