"Peter!" I stood up and hugged him. 

"Hey, hey I'm fine." He chuckled and hugged me back.

"You? Fine? Please Peter, if I hadn't have followed you, you would be dead as hell right now." I punched his shoulder playfully and chuckled as well. We we're staring at each other our smiles wiped away. I stepped back not wanting to do anything.

"We should get her to Carol's house." I said pointing at her. He nodded and wrapped her with webs.

"Is that necessary?" I laughed a little. He shrugged. I could see a hint of pain in his eyes when he looked at me. Wait me? Why me? Cut it out Y/N.

"You alright? Did they hurt you anywhere?" I asked worriedly. 

"No they didn't. I'm fine Y/N, thank you for helping me." He smiled a little. I smiled back and grabbed Liz with my strength.

"Let's go." I said walking towards the door.

"Wait! What about those guys?" Peter pointed at the two men who we're groaning in pain.

"Bring them as well." I sighed.


We we're all in Carol's laboratory, looking at the three people in front of us. I excused myself while the others ask each of them questions. I went out to the balcony and switched on my phone. I called Aidan three times and he didn't pick up. I sighed and called him again. This time he answered.

"Hey, are you alright there?" I said looking at the view from Carol's balcony. I heard a groaning sound and frowned.

"Aidan?" I said again. I heard rustling and then I heard a sigh from the phone.

"Yeah, hey Y/N." He said. I frowned again.

"Hey, are you okay? You sound tired." I asked. 

"Yeah just doing some workout." I heard him sigh again. This isn't him. 

"At 9 in the morning?" I asked.

"Yes, is that a problem?" He asked stressfully. My eyes widened and I sighed.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're alright?" I said nervously.

"Yes I'm fine Y/N. Now leave me alone will you? I'm very stressed." He said. I was about to speak again but he ended the call. I stared at my phone in disbelief, tears glazing over my eyes. 

"Hey, you alright?" I heard Peter come stand beside me. He handed me a coffee and I took it without hesitation.

"I'm okay I guess. There's a lot going on lately." I sighed and looked at him. He smiled sadly at me and looked inside where everyone was smiling and drinking their coffee discussing about Liz and those two men. 

"Everything will be fine soon Y/N, I promise." He looked back at me. I looked at him and we we're both just staring at each other.

"Y-Yeah. Soon." I gulped and looked away. I heard Sam call Peter inside. He patted my shoulder lightly and went inside. I looked at my right again to see dad?

"Dad?" I sighed shocked. He just looked at me and smiled.

"Hey honey." He stepped towards me and I stepped back not quite sure if it's him.

"W-What are you doing here. I-I thought y-you we're I mean you we're dead but how-

"Hey hey hey, relax." He said. I sighed and looked at him. 

"Be careful will you? Life is very hard sometimes Y/N, but you have to get through it. I love you and everyone else does too. Even Peter." He said with a smirk. My eyes widened and I looked inside where Peter was looking at me with a small smile.

"But dad-

I looked back to see him gone. It was all my imagination of course. I probably looked weird talking with no one. I was about to sip my coffee when someone screamed.

"She escaped! All of them did!" Shuri said loudly. I dropped my glass and looked inside. I ran to Shuri and held her shoulders.

"What do you mean?" I said worriedly. There was a hint of panic in her eyes.

"Their gone!" She said. Me and the rest of us looked at her with a panicked expression. We rushed in Carol's laboratory to see nothing but a note that says...

"See you soon Y/N."

------- ...

"Dear Peter Parker, I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art." 


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