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"Make everyday a little less ordinary"

1 month later...


I was in my room jamming to Taylor Swift's songs until Wanda came in. 

"Hey Kiddo, I need you to give this to May. She left her shirt and scarf over here." Wanda smiled at me and tossed it at my table. I nodded with a smile and took the clothes.

"Tell dad I'm going right now, will yeah?" I said. She nodded and left my room. I slowly opened my window and flew to Queens. I finally stopped at Peter's apartment and smiled. I took a deep breath and went in the elevator. I walked down the hallway and knocked on the door hesitantly. It took a few seconds until Peter opened the door looking sleepy. He noticed it was me and immediately smiled brightly.

"Hey what's up?" He said as he closed the door. 

"Oh I just wanted to give this back to May, she left it at the tower when we we're having our girls night." I chuckled. He nodded and went into the kitchen. I heard May and Peter talking until May came into the living room.

"Hi honey." She smiled and sat down next to me. Peter grinned and sat on the table in front of me. I sighed and gave May her shirt and scarf.

"Here you go May!" I smiled. Her eyes widened and she gave me a small smile before going into her bedroom.

"So, wanna hang out for a bit?" Peter asked. When did he become so bold? I nodded my head and went into his room. But before we could shut the door there was a loud BANG. My heart stopped. Me and Peter looked at each other with fear etched in our eyes. We ran to May's room to see her laying dead on the floor. I gasped and went to the floor next to her. Peter was on his knees, tears blurring his gaze. I stood up angrily and looked at the wall which was already broken in pieces. I was sobbing miserably. I didn't care if my makeup messed up or anything else right now. All I felt was anger and sadness. Peter was beside May shaking her and sobbing.

"MAY! MAY NO MAY! PLEASE WAKE UP NO NO NO!" He screamed. He looked at me with his red puffy eyes.

"Go kill them. NOW!" He said to me still sobbing. I nodded my head furiously and flew off. I looked around the buildings and finally spotted people holding guns and different type of equipment. I flew fast towards them and slowly set myself down on the roof top. They we're all cheering and high fiving each other, but they stopped when they saw me there their eyes widening in fear.

"YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG STARK!" I yelled and used my powers to hit a guy with a massive rock. The tears we're still streaming down my face as I fought them. I think Tony and the rest of the Avengers found out about what was happening because I saw them coming towards us. Even Peter. I took a deep breath and knocked a guy out with my fist. 

"STOP RIGHT NOW YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" A guy screamed. I gave him a death glare and sprinted towards him. I stabbed him on the leg and looked at him with pure hatred.

"I absolutely know what I'm doing and I do not regret it for one second!" I punched him so hard that it made him go unconscious. Soon, the Avengers came fighting side by side with me. I knew who this people we're. It was Liz's crew. I couldn't see how Peter looked under the Spider-Man mask but all I knew was that he was heartbroken because he fought so hard that he knocked down six people in one go. Soon everyone of the bad guys we're on the floor either bleeding or groaning in pain. I inhaled sharply and let out a loud sigh. The Avengers nodded to me signaling that they we're going to take care of this. I nodded back and took Peter's hand and flew back to his apartment. He took out his mask and broke down in tears. 

"Peter hey Peter look at-

But before I could say anything else, my dad came and looked at me. 

"Go with the Avengers Y/N, I'll take care of him." He said. I shook my head still crying but Tony gave me glare. I gave Peter one last look before going back to the tower.


It has been a few days after the funeral and I was getting worried because Peter didn't show up at school for the past few days. Of course I understand the situation he must be going through right now but I was worried sick. I went to his apartment but he wasn't there. He's things we're gone too. I sighed and bought some flowers from the florist. I flew to the graveyard and slowly set myself down. I walked up to her grave but then I noticed someone sitting at her grave. I recognized that brown curls. I dropped the flowers and ran towards him.

"Oh god Peter, you don't know how worried I was!" I cupped his cheeks in my hands and made him look at me. He's eyes we're red and puffy. He was crying a lot. I sighed and hugged him. 

"I'm here for you, I promise I will never leave you." I tightened my grip around his waist. He sniffed but then he sobbed on my shoulder. His hands wrapped around my waist as well.

"Thank you f-for being he-here with me Y/N." He said between gasps. I shushed him and rubbed his back in a comforting way. We sat there for a few minutes until I stood up to go grab the flowers. I went back to him and placed the flowers on the grave. I smiled sadly at the grave and helped Peter stand up.

"You're staying at the tower from now on okay?" I said. He nodded and followed me back to the tower. We decided to walk instead of flying. The silence was comfortable until I decided to speak up.

"Liz sent those people." I said not looking at him but I could feel his eyes on me.

"I know, Mr. Stark told me. It seems like she's hiding somewhere and she somehow interjected them with some type of poison so they could die after k-killing M-May." He hesitantly said. I looked at him with confusion until I realized what she did.

"She interjected them with poison so that they could die after killing May. She doesn't want them alive or w-we could have asked them for information right?" I said. He nodded looking straight forward. A single tear rolled down both of our faces. 


"Don't. You said sorry so many times Y/N. Don't say that it's your fault because it's not." He said looking at me with a sad smile plastered on his face. I closed my mouth shut and nodded. 

"You need rest. Let's give you some sleeping pills when we head back to the tower." I said. He sighed and nodded. It broke my heart seeing my best friend and crush so heartbroken like this. Yes I had a crush on him but I won't say it now. I intertwined our hands together and walked away to the tower. I side glanced at Peter. He had a small smile on his face as he squeezed my hand. 


We headed back to the tower and everyone came rushing at Peter. I smiled as I saw my dad and Peter hug tightly. I took him up to a room which was officially his now. I grabbed some pills and water from the drawer and walked over to him. I crouched down beside him and gave him the pills. He smiled and shut his eyes. 

"Friday is he in a deep sleep?" I asked it.

"Yes Y/N he is in a deep sleep and he will wake up in approximately 3 hours."

I smiled and rubbed his hand with my thumb. God how I love this boy so much. I took a deep breath and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Luckily he was asleep. I stood up and went over to the door. I looked at Peter once more and smiled sadly.

"I love you." I whispered and closed the door shut.

------- ...

"Dear Peter Parker, are you French? Because Eiffel for you."


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