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"The past is the past, but if you are overanalyzing or trying to repeat it, you are going to get stuck."


It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I was going on a school trip. Which was great since I get to spend more time with Peter and Ned. MJ decided not to come because she wasn't a big fan of school trips and she decided to just go through her whole collection of books. 

"Morning Avengers." I yawned and grabbed a toast. They all said morning back and ate their breakfast in silence.

"Please stay safe will you Y/N?" Tony said placing both hands on my shoulders. I nodded and hugged him. 

"I'll be safe, don't worry. Tell Steven I said hi!" I smiled and waved a goodbye to everyone. I went outside and I hopped in the car. We reached school and Happy said goodbye. I smiled and went in the bus.

"Peter!" I saw him sitting alone looking out the window. He smiled and patted the seat next to him. I sat down and started a conversation with some of my other friends. After the world knew that I was Tony Stark's daughter, they took the situation quite normally and treated me the same, except Flash who was too scared to talk to me anymore. We we're in a comfortable silence until I saw Peter suddenly look up. He looked outside his window and we saw a giant doughnut ship? My eyes went wide and I grabbed Peter's hand signaling him that we should go. He nodded and looked at Ned. 

"Hey, hey I need you to cause a distraction." Peter said alarmed. Ned took out his earphone and looked out the window with wide eyes.

"Holy shit!" He said. I smiled a little and grabbed my watch that will transform me into my suit.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Ned yelled. Me and Peter smiled and quickly opened the bus window.

"What's the matter with you kids? You've never seen a spaceship before?" Our bus driver told. I laughed a little and jumped out the window with Peter.

"Hold on tight!" He said.

"I can fly!" I said back.

"I don't want you to waste your energy! Come on!" He said through the wind. He grabbed my waist and went towards the ship. He went too low and the water hit his legs which made it go all over my face.

"PETER PARKER!" I said loudly.

"Sorry!" He said nervously and webbed one by one buildings going towards the ship.


"Oh shit! Dad are you okay?" I rushed towards him and crouched beside him. He coughed and nodded.

"You should have stayed on the bus Y/N!" He said angrily. 

"Oh but I didn't! Now come on!" I helped him get up. When me and Peter came here, it was chaos. We we're fighting this weird creatures that unexpectedly came to Earth. Dad told me once about Thanos and that's all I knew. Okay Y/N, keep the stones safe and don't let purple grape guy get it. I was helping my dad out until he said something to FRIDAY. I was confused until I felt something around my body. It was an iron suit. I shrugged and fought even more. I looked at my right to see Peter going in the ship with Strange.

"DAD HURRY!" I knocked the guy out and quickly flew. We we're almost at space and I saw something fly to Peter. His grip on the ship loosened and he fell but the thing caught him and he was in an iron suit as well. We we're near Peter until my dad looked at both of us.

"Sorry not sorry." We looked at each other confused until we felt something open up behind us. Great it was a parachute.

"OH COME ON!" Peter yelled. My dad shrugged and flew up. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Peter's hand. I grabbed a part of the ship and held on to it for dear life. We we're suddenly going slow so I climbed up a compartment thing with Peter. 

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