His lady knows best

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"Don't be bemused, it's just the news! citizens are urged to stay calm as the new villain Red Omenous gives her warning."

The camera shifted to show a young girl decked out in a faded red dress, perfectly complementing her high braided ponytail making her look almost ghost-like. In her hand, she gripped tightly to her heater which she pointed straight towards the camera.

"People of Paris take a good look at your beloved Lovere, she said gesturing towards the triangular fortress. Cause it'll be the last time you ever see it unless Ladybug and Chatnoir hand over their miraculous. "She exclaims wickedly.

The vengeful villain waited for the heroines to arrive, a smirk planted itself on her face. The fear of the Parisians made her feel more triumphant than she'd ever felt before.

A few minutes passed before she decided to break the silence."Welp, I guess your beloved heroes are a no-show."She raised her gun towards the glass pyramid ready to blast it to smithereens. Until a yoyo knocked it out of her hands.

"No matter what villain Paris faces ladybug will always be there to fight for her people".The spotted savior said from the Denon Wing.

"What an abrupt entry, no matter all I have to do is take your earrings and the ring. And you'll be nothing but a shell of your former self.!!"

"Would you take a fox instead of a cat?!" a voice exclaimed suddenly. The people turned to see Rena Rouge standing on the other side of the Denon Wing.

"This doesn't make any sense! Hawkmoth said to himself. "Why does she keep bringing the fox to fight alongside her"? The masked moth villain grew confused at the sight. Lately, she'd been bringing the fox along while Cat Noir was nowhere to be seen. Though the Ladybug miraculous was gravely important to the success of his plan he knew the cat miraculous was also needed too or else the earrings were useless to him.

"Forget it, Omenous take their miraculous now!" hawkmoth exclaimed, the villain smirked as the purple outline disappeared from Omens devious face. Enough chatting! Our fight begins now!"

"A little pushy aren't we?" Rena whispers to Ladybug sending both girls into giggles. The villain shoots a glare and takes a shot at the duo. Haven missed by a hair, Ladybug swings her yoyo in circles. Charging towards the villain.


Adrien sat in his limo waiting patiently for the arrival at his final destination. One last photoshoot and then he would be free for the day, well as free as he could be in his household. To pass the time, the young boy scrolled through his albums. Until he stumbled upon an album The Ladybug legacy, he smiled happily his tiredness still visible in his eyes.

Glancing lazily at the album then Adrien was Plagg, the young boys cheese-loving Kwami."Let me guess you're looking at the only versions of ladybug that wouldn't reject you."

 "Haha very funny Plagg." the blond boy said sarcastically. "What's so special about these pictures from the dozens you have in your room, your computer, your limo, your....."

"Okay, I get the point Plagg".Adrien said still smiling at the photos of his lady. "But these are different." His mind played the memory back in his head......

"You did it! Catnoir said to the new hero of Paris. "We both did it. Partner" The spotted heroine stated.

She reached her fist out to her new feline partner. Chat Noir hesitated for a second looking from her fist to her face. Her warm gesturing smile permitted him to do so. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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