𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐭

Beginne am Anfang

(^What George was wearing ^)

"Thanks, sy! We're here come on before we're gonna miss the movie!"

After George parks his car he holds my hand and we went to the fourth floor of the mall and get our snacks and tickets.

We went inside the theater and we both found ourselves almost freezing to death in the theater not even a minute in the movie.




After the movie ended we decided to go to the karaoke seafood restaurant we decided on.

We both went inside for reservation and sat on our table spot. After the waiter took both of our orders George noticed that two guys were coming our way.

"Hey sy those two people have been staring at us since we came in here and it's creeping me out."
George warned me and pointed out to the two people who were smirking and whispered to each other while giving us weird stares from across the restaurant.

"Hey don't worry maybe they'll stop later and what if they're looking at someone else behind us. So yeah don't worry about it ok? We're here to have remember don't let those people take the fun away."
I comforted him while giving him a big smile. He thankfully calmed downed and smiled back at me.

" Thanks, sy you're the best friend anyone would be lucky to have which I'm grateful for you."

"Thanks, George I'm grateful for you to be my best friend too!"

"Sy just take the damn compliment and you don't have to return every compliment you get right?"

"oh ok, George! Oh look here comes our food!"

As the waiter places our food and drinks we ordered we started to eat but I noticed that the two guys were still staring at us creepily.

They both stand up and walked over to our table and sat next to us.

(the karaoke restaurant ^)

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(the karaoke restaurant ^)

We gave each other a confused look and the guy next to George said

"so what are you two cuties doing here?~"

"Can you not call us that it's making us uncomfortable also have you heard of personal space so back the fuck up!"
George said irritated by the situation we're in.

"aww come on we just want to have fun with you guys~"
The guy next to me said

"How bout you sing us a little songy song for us since your voices are so beautiful~"
The guy next to George said

Corpsekkuno Oneshots! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt