Chapter 1

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(Merediths pov)
I woke up this morning and felt horrible.  I'm so glad I woke up before Derek so he wouldn't have to baby me and make me stay home from work, I was sick and still felt bad after I thought I would just pass as the day went on so took some paracetamol and went back to bed.
"morning sleepy head" I smiled at Derek and pushed back his loose strands of hair
"hey" He smiled and kissed me.
We got up for work and headed downstairs for some breakfast and coffee "here you go" Derek handed me a plate of pancakes. He only cooked pancakes when we had work later on in the day which I loved but definitely missed them when we had long weeks of early starts. I went to take a sip of my coffee and the smell of it made me nauseous
"everything okay mer?" Derek asked concerned
"yeah think I'll pass on the coffee this morning" I smiled and headed to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice.

It had been a few hours and we had just chilled and cuddled on the sofa for a while "der we are gonna be late for work" i said jumping out of his arms and grabbing the remote to turn off the tv
"Okay, okay I'm coming" He said giggling at me, we jumped in the car and drove off to work. "Bye der" I smiled and kissed his cheek before running off to my patient.

(Derek's pov)
I watched as mer ran off to her patient, she got paged 911 in the car and we made it there as fast as we could.
"Shep my man" I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Mark holding his hands up
"What do you want now mark" I said kind of laughing
"I uh need help with something, something big" He said in a nervous tone
"Hmm?" I agreed but was unsure as this was Mark sloan
"I wanna propose to lexie cause you know shes having our baby and I think it would be a good idea but-" He got interrupted by his pager
"Damn it" he said under is breath
"Yes Mark I'll help you come to my office for lunch we can discuss it then" I reassured him before he ran off and put his hand in the air to say thanks.
I walked up to my office and opened the door to see meredith pacing back and forth
"Hey mer whats wrong" I said placing my bag down and putting my hands on her shoulders it slowed her pace
"Nothing just worried about work" she gave him a smile and said "I've got to go check on my patient I'll be back soon"n9 she was holding onto her pocket for dear life thinking Derek didn't notice.
(No one's pov)

"I think merediths hiding something from me" Derek blurted to Mark as they sat down to eat lunch
"And why do you think that?" Mark asked
"Well I caught her in my office earlier and and was paying back n forwards and she only does that when she's hiding something or has something on her mind" Derek replied
"Well maybe she has got something to hide but she'll tell you when shes ready" Mark said kindly
"True, so about you and lexie" Derek was trying starting a different conversation
"Oh yeah so do you think I should ask her or what?" He said whilst ramming some fries into his mouth
"Yes definitely, you do know how much lexie goes on to meredith she really wants you to propose" he smirked
"That's the thing though I don't know how or when" He looked up from his food and at Derek
"Well when I proposed to mer I asked her in the elevator and put up our first cases and spoke about my favourite things about her" Derek smiled remembering the memory
"Aww true love" Mark made fun of Derek
"Do you want me to help you or not" Derek said punching his arm
"Yes, so any ideas?" Mark was egar to know
"Hmm how about you take her to her favourite restaurant?" He said not really paying any attention
"No thats cheesy" He rolled his eyes and turned as he saw the door open
"Hey Big grey" He still called them that even though he was dating and soon marrying lexie.
"Oh sorry am I interrupting anything?" She went to go back out
"No its okay" Derek smiled
"Grey I need your help with something" she made her way over to where they were sat and sat down
"Hm" she stole a few of Derek's fries
"So I was thinking of proposing to lexie" He said
"Oh that's a great idea! It'll finally get her off my back" she giggled
"Any ideas of how?" Mark hoped meredith had an idea
"Well we are throwing her the baby shower remember? So maybe you could do it after you popped the balloons?" She said smiling
"That's a great idea grey!" He jumped out of his seat and went to leave
"New I could count on you big grey" He smirked and left.
"So" Derek said making his way over to meredith
"Yes?" Meredith just wanted to eat her lunch
"What's on your mind mer" he sat down next to her
"Nothing" she replied quickly
"Okay but I don't believe you" He smirked and kissed her cheek before standing up to answer his pager
"Uh oh incoming trauma" He said as merediths pager went off too
"Ugh great" meredith wasn't too happy about it but Derek just giggled at her, they ran diwn to the pit and met the others outside by the ambulance bay.
"Grey and shepherd, you get this one, Cristina help me here and Karev and Kepner you get that one" Bailey shouted as the ambulances made there way in.

"Jane doe unresponsive at scene think she may have some spinal injurys and injuried arm!" One of the paramedics yelled as they ran into the trauma room
"Okay mer page callie and hunt" Derek asked as he did a nureo check
"On it" she stopped in her tracks on the way through the door which caused Derek to look up
"Mer everything okay?" He asked quietly
"Yeah just feel a bit nauseous" she smiled and walked off still feeling sick.
It felt like it had been forever in the OR but they were finally done, the patient was paralysed but we tried everything we could but just couldn't save it.
Mer and derek headed home for the night after a long day's work, it wasn't really night any more it was 5am so all the interns and other staff were making there way in. "Hey what happened earlier in the trauma room?" He asked curiously
"Oh nothing just felt a bit sick that's all" she smiled to make him feel better
"I'm really craving some chicken right now" Derek giggled at her
"Okay let's get some chicken then head home" He kissed her then they got into the car.
They spent the rest of the night cuddling on the sofa and watching movies.

Tough flight Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora