Twenty: She's in the Rain

Start from the beginning

She bit back another smile, something so common, her blood boiled but even with how annoying he was, she still kept coming back. She likes how safe he made her feel in the harsh palace walls. His towering frame, the tallest she'd seen before (he'd grown so much the past few years and she can't even remember when she was at the height of his chin), always reminded her of home, where her father lived. If he was still alive now.

"I hate you."

"Yeah, Okay."

She whined and he leaned down, lightly pressing his lips against the pearled skin of her forehead that was framed by her black hair, feeling her panic against him before he whispers, lips hovering "no one's here, we're okay here. Don't be scared."




Jake's dream changed when he felt a head on his chest. It pulled him out the world of cherry blossoms.

"I'm scared."

There is a certain type of feeling that comes from learning and watching. When you sit in front of a computer screen for hours on end, trying to find the answer to whatever question your brain comes up with, you begin to become consumed by it. So much to the point that if you don't fill your forever thinking head with it, your brain and emotions will begin to feel like they are eating themselves. Destroying every last cell and atom just to maybe, just maybe, find a solution or speck of happiness or adrenaline that comes with figuring something new out. You become obsessed with the 'why' and the 'how'. And the 'now' and 'just because' begin to feel painful. It all becomes numbing. Your senses blur over and it feels like nothing is real anymore. Nothing but the thing you are obsessing over. Obsessing. Going over and over and back and back until you ultimately drive yourself insane. And on one side of Sunghoon's hurricane, the obsession is good. The obsession deals with his inner world of facts and theories, cultures and philosophies. He was consumed with knowing useless things that had nothing to do with him. He thrived at late hours of the night, glowing on his phone screen sending shocks and waves of euphoria just by knowing how the human brain processes fear, or how psychologically could explain why certain people throughout history acted the way he did.

But on the other side of his hurricane. Those interests came back. He came to his outer world. He was now the one trying to process and understand his fears, not some website written by a college professor. He was now trying to figure out the psychology of why he was feeling the way he was when he felt his hands slide down Jake's stomach and onto the bed as he sat up, looking at him with worry.



He always read books on the first side. He read of how characters fell in love, and he overanalyzed different quotes they said so he could understand their affection to their selected love interest. He was obsessed with knowing what made them tick in a relationship, and what triggered fights or miscommunication. Whether it be being an orphan or a star student giving them different beliefs and mental problems. But on the second side of the hurricane, he is his own book, which wasn't completed yet, and was still going through the editing and messy rough drafts. He was a character not fully developed yet, and he hadn't read any of the chapters about Jake's tics and triggers. He was blinded by wind and rain. They were a rough draft written in smudged ink, and anything could happen in the next paragraph.

He felt the left ghosted sensations of arms around him and lips on his hair. It felt just as weird not having them as it did having. It still felt tingly and scarily nerve-inducing either way.

"I like you. Like a lot." He mumbled, hating the sensation of anxiety that bumped against the skin of his head. It made him feel exposed. He wasn't comfortable with it. He didn't know what it was. He didn't know. He had no knowledge and no experience or articles to help. "And I'm scared."

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