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Hello my dear reader. Welcome to this fanfiction story. So recently I have been playing the walking dead, and I found it... well let's just say an emotional experience. I think the story or the stories were well written and well executed. Well there were some seasons that were better than others, but you get the point. Well as of the date of 23rd October 2021, I experienced the end of season 4. A great season with a great twist. The ending I got was where Tenn died, Louis tongue was cut off, and Violet and Clementine were in love. I liked it, but something didn't feel right in me. It feels like a puzzle brick is missing. Maybe that's just me getting melancholic, because it's over, and there's nothing more to play, so I did some research. Sorry for this a bit long, but I just wanted to make all of this well explained. I found out (pretty easily) that Clementine left AJ behind at Ericsson after realizing that the school had become a "home" and not a "hideout", and that continues her journey hitting the road once again. I found it interesting, and then researched a bit more, which resulted in me finding out that a new graphical book is coming out. I think it was June 28th, 2022. I personally can't wait for it, and I think that's where my story starts. Well, I'm not going to include Amos, who's the new written character that Clementine will meet. No, this is my own version of it.

So, here I present my initial prologue to this fanfiction story. You could call it the calm before the storm or the start of a seed's growth into a flower of beauty and complexion. I hope you all will enjoy it. I won't set an initial date on when chapters will be added on to the story, but rather I will just take this story's hand, and then we will see where it will go, where we will go.

Oh and one last thing. I don't know if anyone will do this, but if you would like to, then I would gladly accept some kind of writing partner. I don't really have any qualification requirements, but if you are interested let me know, okay? Because it would be really nice, not always having to rely on your own creativity, skills and time. But I don't know, maybe it's not a good idea. I don't think anyone would deliver entertainment for free. Well now I do, so I guess not everyone...

Sorry by the way. I'm quite... hmm, what would you call it...? A "blabbermouth"? Hmm is that really the word for it? Probably yeah. I'm doing it a while ago. Well let me present my prologue, I hope you can find some sort of entertainment in it.

Best regards,



After the battle with the raiders, Ericsson Academy was my home. Our home. AJ and I had before Ericsson been on the road for a while, but now after we found this place everything has changed. I guess home is really what you make it to be. Over the last couple of months Violet, Louis, AJ and I have all worked hard on forming a coalition with other settlements. I look at AJ, and I see him smiling. That little smile. I'm so happy that he is happy. It means... he means the world to me. My little "goofball", growing up, making friends, sleeping, and growing taller. I couldn't be prouder.

Every night takes me back to the day we were stuck in the barn with a herd of walkers around us. I'll never forget that moment. It sits deeply in me. I thought that it was it. It was time to go, but thanks to AJ it was not. He made the call, the decision, that I could never make. Sometimes or almost every time I fail to realise how fast he's actually growing up. This world, this life, everything, it changes us. It matures us and prepares us for what's to come, but even after all that preparation it's never enough. AJ learned that and I'm still learning as well.

As I look at the moon it takes me back to the past. Before all of this. Sitting in my tree house, the night before outbreak day. Staring at the moon and wishing. I don't remember what I wished for, but I remember the moon speaking to me. Calling me. I know it sounds crazy. Maybe it's my eight year old imagination, but I swear that it spoke to me and told me something. Here it is again, bright and full, but this time, nothing has been said. I looked at the moon in an intense stare, but nothing happened. I let out a sigh of disappointment, and wandered back to the school. As I reached the school, I saw a little figure in the distance, and I instantly knew who it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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