Then there was the issue of her being gay. Is she gay? True! She got attracted to girls before. She even had short term flings with some of them in her high school and early college days. She almost fell for her best friend, Aiko. And then Kiefer came to her life... dispelling all doubts she had.... until now. She could be bisexual. Perhaps!

Hayst, Mika Aereen. Gising!!! The person beside you had felt nothing. She kissed you only to distract you from your fear... and it worked. To her, that was all there is to it. It was foolish of you to return her kiss... for responding to what have been nothing more than a clever tactic.

"Mrs. Ravena, are we to make this entire journey in silence? If you can tear yourself away from the scenery you must have seen a hundred times before, I would like to talk to you about next week."

Mika turned to look at her boss, her expression impassive. "You have my full attention, Ma'am Galang."

"Really?" Vic drawled. She looked positively annoyed. "Why don't you spit it out... whatever it is that you want to say? Don't sit there with those gray eyes shooting flames at me."

She was not aware that they were. "There is nothing I want to... to spit out." She said coolly, letting her boss know she dislike the expression. "You were saying, about next week?"

"I spoke to the Managing Director of Cooper's Beers this morning, about their new brewery. They are using that firm of architects I recommended in Nairobi. It's a subsidiary of a British company who have a great deal of experience in building in Kenya. Anyways, we are having lunch with Cooper's on Tuesday and there will be a meeting which will go on all afternoon, probably. Wednesday is the office party, as you know, and Thursday... Are you free on Thursday evening? Cienne had arranged a dinner party for me at the penthouse and I'd like you to act as hostess."

"Is it concerned with business?"

Mika saw Vic's face tighten and instantly regretted her words, even though the answer mattered very much to her. If this was merely a social occasion, she don't want to be present. Besides, why can't she get her sexy friend to act as hostess? Kailangan talaga siya? Hello, she is the great Vic Galang. She could no doubt call on a dozen women to act as her party hostess. Mika sighed inwardly. She need not have asked the question... Sensya mas mabilis ang bibig kesa sa utak. Tsk!

"Mrs. Ravena, don't you think I've already got the message that there is no way you wish to subject yourself to my company if it has nothing to do with your job? You made that quite clear when I told you to prepare yourself for Christmas get-togethers, and again today when you were reluctant to have lunch in my apartment. So if you have a date on Thursday... which I very much doubt... cancel it. You are needed to act as hostess to some business acquaintances... six in all... three men, two wives and one mistress. All right?"

She should have known better than to say any more. If it had not been such a traumatic day, she would probably have been thinking more clearly. But she didn't and she wasn't. "Yes it's all right. But who did this sort of thing for you in the past? I mean..."

"In the past..." Vic said harshly. " wife. My wife, Mrs. Ravena. But my wife died almost six years ago--- in case you don't know. Since then, my secretary has often acted as hostess to dinner parties which involved business colleagues. And before you ask, Cienne already made it clear to me that her current 'inelegance' precludes her from this particular task. Personally I think she is looking quite radiant, but there you are. There is also the fact that her husband is anxious that she doesn't do too much at the moment. I had to chat to him on the phone last week, and like me, he would rather Cienne stopped working now."

"But... I thought it was you who was urging Cienne to stay on till the last minute?" The secretary asked.

"She is staying on till the last minute... but not through my urging. She wants to, and since she's been with me for twelve years, I can't hardly throw her out, can I? I'll be damned lucky to find a replacement who's as loyal and conscientious as Cienne", she added pointedly. "However, since you are neither pregnant nor married to someone... anxious or otherwise... can you bring yourself to share my company for business reasons next Thursday?"

Mika gave her the sweetest smile, hating her boss for her sarcasm. "Why, Ma'am Galang. I'd be delighted."

"Like hell!" Vic whispered loud enough for Mika to hear.

"Is there any chance of my taking Friday morning off? I know it's our last working day but I planned on going late night shopping on Thursday, and..."

"Take the whole day off, Mrs. Ravena. Take the whole day!" And with that, Vic turned to watch the passing scenery.

The boss's mood did not improve. Several hours later, Mika was dropped off outside of her condo building with a perfunctory "Goodnight, Mrs. Ravena." Vic did not wish her a good weekend, nor did she make any comment about the party they attended.

It had not been the first cocktail party Mika had been to and knew the drill. One did not sit down. One circulated and chatted, glass in hand, and ate if one were so inclined the delicious little tid-bits which were brought round on trays.

As it was, Mika went into her kitchen undecided whether to cook a meal for herself or not. She settled for a sandwich and curled up in the armchair in the living room, dissatisfied and miserable. Vic had introduced her to several people at the party and in time they were separated, talking to different groups. From a distance, Mika had seen her boss laughing, apparently enjoying herself, but as soon as they got into the car, she'd slipped back into the dark mood which had descended on her after their conversation on their way to the party.

The travel back to Makati had been silent except for two attempts Mika made at conversation. These had been met with little more than grunts. It was her fault. She won't deny that. She had irritated the hell out of her boss by appearing reluctant to act as her hostess next week... and all the headway she had recently made with her was now lost.

Sighing, she stretched her legs and rested her feet on her throw pillow. What an idiot she was! She should not have bothered to ask whether Thursday's dinner party had business motives behind it. She should have known it had. Otherwise it would not be she who was asked to be hostess. 'Wag ka masyadong mag-feeling, Mika! Di ka special.

The frustrating thing was that, she had not really been reluctant to play this role, because lately there had been moment when she found herself liking her boss. Her admiration for her as a businessman was enormous, and today she had seen several sides of the great Vic Galang. Her relationship with her grandmother was a good one and it had been very clear that both her children adored and respected her. Vic, on the other hand, had a fine combination of discipline and love for the twins.

Is she with them now? Had she gone to Alabang to spend the weekend with her family? Mika looked at her watch. It was not yet nine and an inexplicable restlessness took hold of her. Then again, there is this possibility that Vic had gone on to somewhere in town... had a date with the sexy and sophisticated friend? She had to have some relaxation in life. Friday's a gimik day, anyways.

"Oh, Mika!" She laughed scornfully at herself for beating around the bush. What she really wondered was whether her boss was to spend the weekend with her sexy sophisticated friend in the penthouse, since her children are out of the way...

An hour later, she got into bed, having toyed with the idea of taking a walk then deciding against it. By midnight, she realized she should have taken that walk. She could not sleep. Now, it was too late to go out alone. She thought of the incident in the elevator and her reaction to it. Maybe it was just as well that Vic was being cool with her. Cool? Cold. More cold than she has ever been.

Yeah. It is best this way.

She turned over and thumped her pillow into a more comfortable position, trying very hard to convince herself of this. And yet... and yet she couldn't. Not quite. There was a great deal of confusion inside her. On one hand, she was fascinated by her boss, frustrated by the unpleasant way this evening had ended... Vic's curt "Goodnight" and no more. On the other hand, she did not really like the person. Well, not much... not wholly. Bisexual or not, the realization that she was physically attracted to her appalled her because she didn't want to feel that way towards any person... especially not to Vic Galang.

Hay, Antok, where art thou pag kailangan kita...

SECOND CHANCES(A Lesbian Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ