Chapter 1: Starting My New Life

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I suddenly find myself in a dark void...

I can't see anything...

Is this always something when people reincarnate? Or... are my eyes just closed? I tensed my eyelids and sure enough they're tightly shut, I begin to open them and see that I was overlooking a large forest, to the left had been snow covered mountain peaks and to the right was a bright reflecting blue lake, truly an amazing view. "Woah, this. This is amazing" I said, then glanced down before reeling back gazing at my hands. I can see what the deities meant when they said I was going to be a Dragon born, I had scales and claws on my arms and hands.

I inspected the rest of my body to find any other sign of reptilian traits, aside from my feet being similar to a dinosaur's and a long lizard like tail that's about it. As for my overall appearance, I had the same face as my original body did, only a bit younger, I was rather fit, had dark red hair, had brown scales in my face, Amber eyes, dinosaur feet and clawed hands. As well as a lizard like tail. As for clothing, I wore a purple t-shirt with light blue highlights, a brown leather vest. -!; denim jeans.

"Wow, this is so surreal" I said inspecting other areas of my body, I then felt an energy build up inside me "oh yeah, they also gave me the power to become a dinosaur right? I may as well test that out."

I closed my eyes and focused hard, envisioning what dinosaur I wanted to become, with so many options I decided to choose the ever side Famous Tyrannosaurus Rex. Making my choice my eyes jolted open as my body radiated an Orange aura as it began to change. I grew in size which rivaled the trees around me, my arms shrank substantially as my fingers merged together, becoming two fingered clawed hands. My head began to extend outwards with with my teeth growing and sharpening, I closed my new jaws with a loud boom as my legs shifted form, becoming longer with my foot extending. My toes also merged together to become large three towed clawed feet which I stomped hard on the ground making a small tremor.

My tail then grew larger and bulkier as my clothes somehow disappeared, then multiple small feathers grew on my arms, and on my head my existing hair turned into the same kind of feathers as I let out a loud and powerful roar. Once my transformation finished I was amazed by what had happened, I still can't believe it, I am a real life bonafide dinosaur, specifically a tyrannosaurus, with jaws that can crush bone and hyper acute senses. I'm a total juggernaut, "woah amazing, it's almost like a dream" I said, then decided to let out a loud and very proud roar, I looked around and noticed that I was seeing farther than I ever could in human form. 'Oh that's right, Tyrannosaurs had been known to have extremely good eye sight. Able to see anything from six kilometers away, and being able to make out anything they see in great detail. Huh, I wonder who came up with the idea that a T-Rex can't see you if you stay still anyway? Especially if they have eye sight this good?'

I looked around more before turning back "wow, that was a rush" I said before walking forward, "I better stay like this for now, don't want to scare anyone-?!" And just like that I fell off a cliff that was directly in front of me. I really should've paid more attention to my surroundings, "ahhh?!?!?!" I screamed before my arms suddenly transformed, growing longer with my last two fingers extending with skin membranes growing between them and my arm, before I hit the ground I clapped my arms which managed to catch an air current. Apparently I had turned my arms into large pteranodon wings, "woah?! I guess I can isolate my transformations to parts of my body, that's very good to know" I said before flying back down, then had landed safely at the base of the cliff.

"Whew, that was close, I really should be more careful" turning my attention to the outstretched earth, there had appeared to be a cave dug into the side of the cliff. Feeling curious I looked inside and saw multiple scratch marks on the walls, and judging by my tyrannosaurus smell, there was an animal living here. It's scent is all over the place, smells familiar though, then I picked up another scent, it's blood, unfortunately it's human blood. "What the" using the eyes of a troodon I acquired night vision and saw several bloodstains on the walls. What's worse a skeleton in the center "dear Garb!" I said backing up, suddenly i sensed danger and jumped out of the way with raptor legs. Narrowly dodging something fast and strong strike the place I was standing.

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