1 ~ Finding Etho

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Violet finally finished this story!!! YAY! I (violent, MidnightFoxLovesYou) edited it and I hope you enjoy our work!


Ever since my memories came back it just feels like one piece fell into the void like: Poof! There, you lost only most of your memories! It sucks.

I remember how when I was little, a girl would protect me from my father who would hurt us. He gave me my scar on my eye. She called me Little Superhero but, who was she? I just don't know! It's driving me crazy.

"Yo Pause, got any food?" I asked.

"Uhhhhh. Beef?" Pause asked sheepishly.

"Dude, you said you would bring the food!" Beef laughed.

"Uhhhhh I did?" Pause asked. I facepalmed

"Great, another fail for Pause." I muttered smiling.

"Pause, you're a special case." Beef chuckled.

"Shut up!" Pause's face reddened. I shuddered.

"Guys, we need to get to Mindcrack... Fast." We ran toward home. On the way, we bumped into Vechs and Aureylian. Apparently Vechs had the same feeling we did.

The forest was silent except the panting of our breath and the snow under our shoes. We reached Mindcrack. It was covered in Ice. Solid ice. We looked at each other in dismay.

(????'S POV)

I watched from the trees, Keeping my distance. My eyes widened. "Etho." I breathed. I jumped down from my tree limb.

"Etho! You're Alive, Thank goodness." I said hugging him. He tensed.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Etho stuttered.

"Don't you remember me?" I asked.

Etho shook his head. "Sorry I had Amnesia and I'm just getting over it." He explained.

My heart sank. "I-It's me. Anya, Your sister." I said.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what?" Someone asked. He had feathers in his hair and his face was painted. There were three others another had a beard and A butchers outfit. A girl had red hair and green eyes. She wore winter boots and a skater dress. The last one had Black hair with green goggles hanging around his neck. He wore a red hard helmet, a red long sleeved shirt with black overalls and black work gloves.

"Who are you guys?" I asked stepping forward.

"I'm Vechs." Said the one with black hair.

"I-I'm Aureylian. But you can call me Aurey." The girl explained.

"I'm Pause." The feathered one introduced himself.

"And I'm Beef." The Butcher spoke up.

"Come on." I said leading them. I glanced behind me.

"Uhhhhh why?" Vechs asked.

"Do you want to save Minecraftia or not?" I mumbled. He gulped and they began to follow me. "Gather 'round." I said holding out my hands. "Make a circle." I explained. Etho and Aurey each grabbed one of my hands, Vechs grabbed Aurey's and Beef's, Pause grabbed Etho's and Beef's hands.

I began to chant in Latin, "Quid sit amet REGELO constringitur inveniatur in nobis" The scenery changed to a thick snowy, pine forest instead of a thin oak one.

Aurey blinked. Vechs blushed and let go of her hand. I leaned over and whispered to Etho: "dude, I think Vechs like Aurey... I ship it." He face palmed and we started building a house out of the wood we cut down.

"Owwwwwwwwwww. I got a splinter!" Pause whined.

"Take it out!" I said rolling my eyes. My mask slipped slightly. I repositioned it.

"Sun's setting!" Aureylian called. We all huddled in the hidey hole. It was a VERY long night. Lots of 'Owww get your knee out of my butt' and 'Get your elbow off of my face!' even the occasional fart... most by Pause.

When it was morning we all scrambled out of the hole. "Let's NEVER do that again." Beef suggested.

"I agree." Vechs mumbled. We continued onward.

*two hours of walking later*

"My feet huuuuuuuuurt!" Aurey moaned.

"Mine too!" Said Vechs. We set up camp which (Thankfully) was a shack we could all lay down in comfortably.

When I woke up Etho was pale and he looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Etho, Are you okay?" I asked.

"N-n-n-n-no... the Rebels are tracking us." He explained. The color drained from my face.

"What? I thought we lost them at the crossroads!" I exclaimed.

"Apparently not." Etho said grimly. We woke the others and told them the bad news.

"Who are the Rebels?" Aurey asked.

"Followers of Herobrine who want Mindcrack Dead. We're the strongest sever. Therefore, we're the biggest threat." I explained.

"Wait, what are the crossroads?' Beef questioned.

"The crossroads are the two roads that decide your fate. If you choose the wrong one, you'll die when you're needed most." Etho said.

Pause looked confuzzlated (ALL HAIL MY NEW WORD) "I know it's confusing." I admitted

"Ya think?" Vechs mused.

"We're out of food, Vechs, Aurey, gather berries and nuts. Pause, Beef, keep the fire going, Etho and I will go hunting." I suggested. Etho nodded and we stepped out into the cold. "Holy, Notch it's cold out here!" I shivered.

"I know right?" Etho chuckled. We walked into a snowy barren landscape with cliffs all around us. An arrow hit the ground next to my feet.

"Ambush." Etho and I murmured in unison. I drew my bow and fired. A shrill war cry sounded across the land. Naturally we stood back to back. We were outnumbered twenty on two. "I'm not going down without bringing one or two of them with me." I muttered. As the rebels advanced we charged.

As one we sliced through enemy ranks, an arrow whizzed past my ear. I glanced up and saw an archer fire an arrow at me. It was perfectly lined up. It hit my ankle with a sickening crunch! I crumbled, black trimming my vision. No! Can't black out now! I chided myself.


I glanced at Anya to make sure she was okay. It's reassuring to know your long lost sister has an arrow sticking out of her ankle.

An arrow whizzed toward her chest. "No!" I screamed blocking the arrow with my body.

It hit me in that soft spot right between my ribs. Not my chest but, like the area under it. Pain coursed through me. I heard a muffled scream and someone yell retreat before I blacked out.

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