811 27 0

-jung haerim pov-

D-Day for Chemistry Test performances has arrived. As usual, I feel nervous.

This test is different from the last as it is now based on global voting. Along with the global voting, the producers get to pick one trainee as their number one choice from this test.

The chosen I-Lander will get the benefit of doubling the number of votes gained within the next 24 hours.

Our team was announced to go perform first on the stage. I am freaking out as we are the first. I hope the producer like our performance.

=  =

Our performance went good. Now, it's for the most nerve wrecking part. The producers comments.

Bang sihyuk pdnim praises us, calling us the avengers team. I feel proud for a second.

He praises Jake hyung alot. We received only praises and nothing else even from the other producers.

Our efforts past days pays off. When we back to the iland, we hug each other and continue praising each other. We stop as we realize the dive into you team has not performed yet. They were on the stage preparing to start their performance.

They performed well to but Niki hyung really did a great job this time. For me, he really stand out in the performance.

Daniel look fierce too. Hahahahahaha just wait, I'll tease him later.

Despite the great performance, Bang Si Hyuk pdnim was a bit disappointed in Taki hyung and Daniel’s attack on the song.

He said he  really wanted the two to outdone themselves to show they could fulfill that, but failed to.

Sunoo hyung also didn’t meet the expectations of the producers and directors as they pointed out how his facial expressions didn’t match well with the song.

On the other hand, Niki hyung was praised for his improvements and his strong dancing and Jay hyung proved himself to be a great leader by giving the team the energy and leading the performance with lots of power.

Now, the anticipation for the producer’s ranked one choice arises.

Much to ilanders surprise (and mine), Jake hyung was the producers’ rank 1.

It was shocking at first but thinking about it again make sense since Jake hyung really improved alot says the producers. Maybe he stand out the most in producers eyes. BTW, I'm happy for him.

Afterwards, we went back to iland. We thought everything is going fine but suddenly, another mission was announced, which are given as a special mission that will lead into the next test.

On the screen, much to our surprise, Seventeen’s Hoshi, Dino, Jun, and The8 sunbaenim appeared to give details to the mission.

"Daebakk!!! Seventeen iya!!!!! " All of us exclaimed when we saw them.

I am a Joshua sunbaenim biased but seeing hoshi sunbaenim, Jun sunbaenim, dino sunbaenim and the8 sunbaenim all together is great!!!

They look hot. I can't deny it. They seriously look hot.

Daniel beside me is excited as well as he punch me here and there.it doesn't hurt but he did it too many times so it does feel hurt now.

Enough of the fangirling. Now back to the mission.

Seventeen sunbaenim announced that we would be split into two teams to perform Seventeen sunbaenim’s songs for them in 24 hours. The songs chosen for them was ‘Pretty U’ and ‘Hit.’

°i-land°Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon