Land lizard on fire

That has a hate bone towards a Oversized whale!!

"Oh really you stupid lizard Iam gonna sink you to the bottom of the ocean"

Shouted the huge blue whale like pokemon KYOGRE.


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Oversized super whale

" Oh come on just shut up will you two. U two are brother and sister not enemies or I'll Dragon ascent your stupid Ass"
groaned a green snake air dragon pokemon. The sky high pokemon Raquaza.


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Baddass Green Snake Air Dragon.

Before they could bicker again a soft femine yet extremely powerful voice echoed which brought everyone who was bickering and talkings attention.

??? :"Silence"said a large elegant white horse like pokemon with Golden Cross Wheel attached came there majestically. It is the Alpha Pokemon Arceus.

(I repeat arceus is not the God Alright, Geez it's a diety or some sort of Guardian of a Realm.)

The Mistress of Reality

The Mistress of Reality

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Suddenly two other pokemon came out of portals
2 huge dragon like creature's came. First was a blue dragon pokemon with metal plates it is the Temporal Pokemon Dialogue Mistress of Time.
The other was a pink bipedal dragon like pokemon.
It was the Spatial Pokemon Palkia.
The master of Space

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