~Da Bestest Bwoom~

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Characters: Regulus (Age 4), Harry, and Ginny.
Word Count: 1865
(Harry and Regulus spend a day in Diagon Alley but Regulus can't take his eyes off the bestest broom.)

!Contains non-consensual spanking of a minor!

Harry held Regulus's hand as they walked through Diagon Alley. Last week, he had brought all the other kids to Diagon Alley but Regulus was sick and couldn't come.

Harry had promised they would spend one-on-one with each other as soon as he got better. Regulus stopped and looked at the display case of Quality Quidditch Supplies. James and Draco had told him all about the broom when they came here last week and Regulus finally got to see it with his own eyes.

There it was in all its glory, the Firebolt: Junior Edition. It was the best broom for kids out there.

He knew his Dad had a Firebolt at home but that was way out of bounds for everybody but him and Mum.

Harry groaned internally. He had to practically peel off Draco and James from the same display a few days ago and today, Regulus was drooling over it.

"Daddy! Pweaseee can we buy dis?" he said tugging Harry's hand.

"No Reggie, we can't. It's for kids a bit older and you already have your own broom." Harry replied.

"But dat is Jamie's old bwoom! Dis one is da bestest!" he said.

"Reggie, you chose your own birthday gift a few months ago. James's old broom works perfectly fine and if you'd like a new one, you should prioritize that over the mini golf cart you chose for your birthday," Harry replied and couldn't help his tone becoming a bit stern.

Regulus was getting interested in golf ever since they had gone on a golf-course trip from his kindergarten class but he definitely preferred brooms over everything else. Even Harry himself was shocked when he chose a toddler golf cart over a new broom. Harry later realized it was to show off to his muggle classmates.

"Pweasssee" He begged.

Harry didn't want the boy in trouble, he rarely ever got in trouble anyway but he was digging himself deeper.

"Regulus, this is the last time I am telling you. We can either go get Ice-cream and visit Honeydukes or you can keep this up and we can go home where you can find yourself a corner to put your nose in,"

Regulus really really wanted to beg more. He was sure his father would give in if he tried hard enough but maybe he should try after ice cream and his licorice wand.

"Fine," he said and began walking again.

"There's a good boy," Harry said ruffling the toddler's hair. Regulus smiled a little at the praise but the wheels in his tiny head were turning.

They headed to Florean's Fortscue's Ice-cream Parlour. Harry ordered his usual caramel raspberry. Regulus decided on butterbeer, a flavor he had never tried.

They ate their ice cream in comfortable silence with a few questions here and there. Regulus didn't like the flavor a lot but it was okay. He kept glancing towards the broomstick which didn't go unnoticed by Harry.

"Regulus, please finish your Ice-cream quickly," Harry said a little impatiently. He was already done his and the boy was eating slower than a turtle.

"Daddy, can we pwease wook inside? Just one time!" Regulus said. Harry hesitated. He didn't want to completely spoil the child's mood but this seemed very counterproductive.

"Are you finished with your ice cream?" Harry asked. Regulus nodded enthusiastically and slid off his chair. Harry nodded and they paid for the treat before warning Regulus that he wasn't going to buy the broom no matter what. Regulus bobbed his head in agreement. His Dad was most definitely going to buy it if he tried hard enough so they headed towards the Quidditch store.

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