~The Mean Driver~

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Characters: Sev (Age 9), Lily (Age 2), and Ginny.
Word Count: 980
(Severus is starting school again but Lily feels the need to join her big brother. No one will help her so she has to take it upon herself and go to school.)

"Mommy! I wanna goes to scwoow!" Lily said tugging at the hem of Ginny's skirt. She had been chanting this mantra for the past week as Christmas break was coming to an end and Severus was going back to school.

Ginny was busy trying to finish making breakfast before Severus, Teddy, and Tom came down to eat.

"Lily, please just go play. I am busy right now," she said shooing the child away from the stove as she prepared to make bacon.

The two-year-old huffed dramatically and crossed her arms. She didn't want to go to daycare anymore even though Mrs. Diggory was very nice. She was too big to go and she wanted to go to school with her big brother, Sev!

She decided it was up to her now. She hurried to her nursery and looked for a backpack. She picked the biggest (and the pinkest) backpack she could find and hurried into the pantry. She stuffed a bit of chocolate and some spaghetti just in case she got hungry. How she planned on cooking it- we'll never know.

She hurried into the playroom and collected her colouring book and crayons - it was her workbook in case the teacher asked.

Then, Lily hurried into Ginny's room and used a stepstool to reach the mirror. She quickly combed her hair into -in her opinion- perfect braids. The toddler smeared on some red lipstick to make sure she looked good. She admired herself in the mirror for a moment before stepping off and hurrying back into the nursery. She had forgotten the most important thing.


"Severus! Teddy! Hurry up!" Ginny called. Tom was already sitting down on the table happily munching onto his toast. He was very excited for his first day back to kindergarten unlike Severus and Teddy.

"Cooooooooominggggggg" Teddy called back and hurried down the stairs. His and Tom's bus came earlier than Severus's so he had to hurry up to make it in time.

Severus and Teddy both hurried down to the table and both made identical faces of disgust towards their glass of white milk. Winter break was over and so were the days of delicious chocolate milk. They gulped it down quickly and stuffed bacon into their mouths to get rid of the taste.

Just then, they heard a honk outside. Teddy and Tom hurried to put on their coats and slip into their boots.

"Byeeeee" they called after Ginny.

"Bye, love ya!" Ginny replied. She stood in the doorway to make sure the boys reached the bus safely. The driver gave her a thumbs up so she walked back to the kitchen.


"Sev!" Lily said trying to get her brother's attention. Severus looked down and tried to laugh at his toddler sister. Her hair was in 2 very uneven and imperfect braids. She had lipstick smeared across her face. She was carrying a backpack much too big for her teeny size and was holding on to her stuffed bunny.

"Uppies!" she said holding her arms out to be picked up. Severus picked her up and attempted to put her in her highchair but Lily refused.

"Imma big giwl now! I wanna sit on da aduwt chaiw!" she demanded pointing to the one beside Severus's.

Severus chuckled softly and placed her on the chair beside him.

Lily tried making herself comfortable but was just barely able to reach the table. Just then Ginny walked back in.

"What are you doing here miss?" Ginny asked as she tried not to laugh at the sight of lipstick-faced Lily trying to eat from the plate which was much too high for her.

"I is goin' to scwoow so I needa eat" she replied.

"Yes, she's too big for her highchair Ginny," Sev replied with a smirk.

"Oh I see, eat up then Lily," Ginny said.

Lily was a bit confused. She was sure her Mum would protest and try to make her not go to school but she wasn't going to complain if her mum didn't want to stop her.

"I am done!" Severus said getting up to leave. Lily put her unfinished toast back, picked up her bunny, and held her arms out to be held. Severus loved all his little siblings but Lily and he shared a special bond. He smiled and put her back on the ground. She waddled after him.

Severus helped zip up her coat and put on mittens. The bus honked just in time as they slipped on their boots.

"Bye Sev! Bye Lily, stay safe!" Ginny called after her toddler. Lily nodded and hurried to hold Severus's hand as they walked towards the bus.

They stopped by the door and they were talking to the driver. Ginny already knew how this was going to end. Lily looked back towards the door with a prominent pout on her face.

Ginny looked back sympathetically. She watched Sev plant a kiss on her forehead and get onto the bus. The bus door closed and zoomed off.

"You can come back now, Lily!" Ginny said trying to make her face appear at least a little sympathetic but failed miserably.

Lily began wailing loudly and ran back to the house right into Ginny's arms.

"I hate him!" she said crying hysterically into Ginny's shoulder.

"I guess you'll have to wait then, baby," Ginny said comforting her as she controlled her own laughter.

She listened to the toddler Lily complain sympathetically about how horrible the mean bus driver was and how she had worked so hard to get ready for school. Finally, the other kids woke up and Lily forgot all about the incident as she hurried off to play with her adopted siblings.

Ginny couldn't control her laughter as she unpacked the toddler's backpack and recounted the entire incident to Harry later that night.

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