Chapter 5: Shawna's Suspicious Experience...........

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Meanwhile, in Castle Bleck, O'Chunks stood upon his Pedestal, defeated, as he kneeled before Nastasia and the Count himself.

"Yeah, so... I guess the hero went ahead and stomped you and sent you back here? How disappointing..." Nastasia retorts, with her usual "frowning" look.

"Yeh gotta forgive me, Count! I've failed yeh! I've never felt less chunky in me life!" O'Chunks exclaims.

"Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... So our hero is real... Yes... A force to be reckoned with..." Count Bleck laughs.

Count Bleck turns to Nastasia, and begins to ask a favor of her.

"Nastasia, the prophecy. Consult it and learn where the hero will go next... We will lay a devious trap for him and bring him to his very KNEES! BLECK!" Count Bleck suggests.

"Yeah, um, I already sent Mimi to a site picked for that purpose..." Nastasia says, hinting about the next area the "hero" was meant to go to.

"This pleases Count Bleck. Excellent work, Nastasia. I have granted Mimi powers potent enough to ensure that she will obliterate this hero. Yes, he will be helpless against her." Count Bleck exclaims.

"Thanks count. I'm sure you're right. Mimi will, dare I say it, "kick that damn bitch nerdy hero's ass", and the Dark Prophecy will reign superior as all worlds fall." Nastasia smirks.

"Correct, Nastasia. The hero is foolish for challenging the Dark Prophecy and those who stand within it.... I DEPART!" Count Bleck exclaims, holding out his left arm.

"Alert Count Bleck when this "hero" is no more!" Count Bleck laughs, as he teleports out of the room, taking the Dark Prognosticus with him.

"Yeah, I'll fire off a memo on tht...but for now, we have another item on the agenda... O'Chunks, you got a sec?" Nastasia asks.

"ughhhhhhhh..... I got time.......... wheneve' ya need.... mehhhhh..." O'Chunks replies, weakly.

"Yeah, so some minions in the Red Fiend organization are still resisting assimilation? And they are at large, roaming the castle freely. So I'm heading out to squash the resistance...and while I'm gone I want you to stay here. Yeah... You just sit tight and think about your recent job performance, 'K? Good... BYEEEEEEEE." Nastasia says, jumping off her pedestal to purge the castle, and brainwash any of Red Fiend's underlings.

"Ahh... piss." O'Chunks retaliates.


Meanwhile, Shawna was lying down in an area of Count Bleck's castle, and wakes up...

"Hmmmm?" Shawna asks, standing up.

She notices she is no longer in that hideous, uncomfortable white dress from the wedding, and is now wearing her classic pink dress again, and feels relieved.

"What the fuck? How did I end up falling asleep here? And that bitch ass Count Bleck? Didn't he try to make me marry Red Fiend? I mean, I'd love to in the future, but I just don't think we're ready yet. And Ethan and Tohru tried to....." Shawna remembers, recalling the day of the Chaos Heart's Creation.

"RED FIEND???? ETHAN???? TOHRU???? ASH????? MLP ETHAN???? ANYONE THERE???" Shawna asks.

" You're the only one of the wedding party left standing, it looks like." A voice says.

Suddenly, a Terror Fiend and a Fiend approach Shawna.

"So you finally woke up Shawna?" Terror Fiend asks.

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