🎃/ AU

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this little spin-off does NOT relate to the main story, this is a simple modern au of xiaoven if Halloween happened with them !! (In my perspective, very short obvi)
The night was dark, the wind howled throughout the neighborhood. xiao was sitting on the couch switching channel after channel.

"geez... is there not any horror movies airing right now? this sucks ass." xiao complained as he kept switching the channels until the doorbell rang. xiao looked at the door and continued what he was doing but the doorbell was being hit multiple times as if a rhythm was playing. getting annoyed he got up and harshly opened the door with a ticked-off expression.

"WHA-" before he could even finish his complaining, lips touched against his and hands were holding onto his waist. xiao immediately forgot how angry he was and kissed back in return.

"ehe, hey xiao~ !! happy halloween my love." venti smiled as he went for another kiss which xiao let happen.

"hey venti, umm.. please don't ring the doorbell like that." xiao crossed his arms as if he were a parent lecturing a child. "Oh cmon yknow if I ring it one time you wouldn't bother to answerrrr." venti mumbled, he walked past xiao and invited himself into the house.

"Oh yeah !! I brought a DVD player with some good horror movies.. do you also have popcorn in the cabinets?" venti put down a bag he was holding and onto the floor, he soon headed to the kitchen as he grabbed a empty pink bowl to put on the counter.

"Yeah I do, the one to the left. why'd you come visit me? I thought you had a idol performance to do.."

"WELL I did... BUT I was free to leave since I get a break for the day so I decided to spend my time with youuuu~" venti said cheerfully "mmm well I'll choose a random movie if that's fine." Xiao said as he took out the DVD player + a disc from the bag, he plugged in the DVD player and put the disc inside it.
[insert random movie of choice]

Venti walked out the kitchen with the same pink bowl that was now filled with popcorn, he sat on the couch and insisted Xiao to sit next to him which he did, the movie played and suspenseful music played..

"Hey xiao... do you plan to give candy to the children nearby?" Venti asked with his mouth full of popcorn "Yes I do and please don't talk with food in you're mouth, it worries me that you'll choke." Xiao sighed.

"oH-" Venti swallowed the popcorn and spoke again "ehe, sorrryyyyy" suddenly there was a loud knock on the door which gave the two a fright so Xiao immediately got up and checked the peephole to see 3 kids with a woman. He picked up the candy bowl and opened the door "Oh hi.. uhm.. here's you're candy I guess." Xiao pulled out multiple candy bars and put it in each bag carefully then closed the door.

Venti saw what just happened and stared in disbelief  "Tsk tsk, is that how you greet the children?? let me show you how it's actually done." Venti confidently said as another knock happened, He snatched the bowl away from Xiao and opened the door this time.

"Hello kiddos ! My my such great costumes you 2 have." Venti grinned "I'll give an extra lollipop just because the costumes have effort !"

"Yay, Thank you sir !" The 2 kids happily said as they received the candy from Venti. Xiao was pretty amazed on how Venti could handle kids so well. "Well let's give candy together, hm?" Xiao whispered under his breath "Hm? OH yeah sure I don't mind~!" Venti smiled.
for the rest of the night they both gave out candy to the children and completely forgetting about the movie that was left on being played. once they were done giving out candy, the two were completely exhausted and slept comfortably on the couch.

<3 the end.

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